Unravelling threads part 5

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Ryuko and Akio ran at each other at full speed. Akio fired her guns while Ryuko slowed down by her injuries had to just take run through them. The bullets hit Ryuko's skin some grazing her and some actual hitting her as she quickly hit Akio with a uppercut sending her upwards and back down to the ground. As Akio was trying to get up Ryuko drop kicked her back and onto a wall.

Ryuko then jumped and punched downwards knocking Akio out. Ryuko then tried removing the rest of the shrapnel in her body while clenching her teeth. After she did her body began healing quickly. She had her heart ripped out before so these injuries weren't that serious for her but they still hurt. Ryuko body then pushed out the four bullets she had actually been shot with.

Ryuko looked up to see what she assumed was Y/N taken over by the life fibers. She knew this happened to her before but not exactly like this, when it happened to her she was chaotic but this seemed like the life fibers had just taken over and seem good since it saved the chopper. Suddenly Ryuko got stabbed in the back of the shoulder by Akio who had gotten up with a broken nose and a black eye. Ryuko vision started to blur and she felt dizzy as she tripped backwards on her feet.

Akio: the poison on that knife should hold you for long enough for me to kill you. Your a real idiot you know that, you could have killed me with one punch instead you held back so much. Akio took out two knives strapped to her back and began to cut Ryuko while Ryuko tried to dodge feeling herself slowed down and weaker. Ryuko quickly grabbed Akios wrists and then kicked her in the face.

Akio backed up from the kick but smiled as her mouth bled. Ryuko now abit weak: I was trying to give you a handicap but it looks like your so damn weak I have to up the handicap either way I'll kick your ass all the same. The two charge each other again as Ryuko dodges the first knife swing but the second grazed her arm. Ryuko punch's Akio straight in the gut making her spit out blood and spit.

Ryuko then kicks Akio in the chin and takes the knife out of her shoulder. She stabs Akio in the shoulder pinning her to the wall. Akio screams in pain and Ryuko punches her in the face knocking her out. Ryuko vision becomes more blurry as her head feels foggy but she fights it off. The thugs of the other gangs on Ryuko's floor then rush over to kill Akio but Ryuko seeing this begrudgingly decides to fight them off.

Ryuko punches one thug into a concrete wall and kicks another one down a flight of concrete steps. She takes a metal pipe swinging it hitting two thugs like baseballs. As Ryuko fights she's shot allot but she manages to either dodge the bullets or take them head on without damage. When Ryuko is finished all the thugs are unconscious as she looks up and sees Y/N has cleared all the other floors and very brutally at that.

Ryuko calls Y/N's name which cause the creature to jump down and land on the first floor. The creature says: Ryuko. Ryuko walks to the creature dizzily and almost trips but the creature catches her. Ryuko: your like senketsu aren't you? The creature says: ketsu. Ryuko: is that your name ketsu? Is Y/N in there is he ok please tell me! Ketsu: ketsu help. Ryuko reaches out to touch ketsus face and he backs away afraid.

Ryuko: it's ok everything's ok I promise. Ryuko touches ketsus face and then she sees something. Ryuko wakes up in a black void and then hears two voices Y/N's and senketsu? Ryuko runs to a white light calling their names when the white life engulfes her and she falls. Ryuko sees herself falling from the atmosphere again alone.

She cries reliving senketsus death when Suddenly Y/N catches her. Ryuko looks at Y/N who lands on the ground as the scenery changes back to a white void with colorful crystal green water.

Ryuko stares at Y/N holding her blushing. Y/N also blushing allot freaks out realizing their both naked here. He set Ryuko down and they both look away embarrassed unable to say anything. Y/N so very confused as to how she got here and what to say to her then turns around to have Ryuko hug him.

Y/N blushes and super embarrassed he has no idea what to do but he hugs her back regardless. They then separate and look away from another and talk. Ryuko: are you ok? What happened? How did you get here? Y/N: well I actually feel better then ever. As for what happened my suit was trashed this morning and the suit was actually moving again after you saw it yesterday, you were some trigger for it to awaken I guess.

As for how I got here I have no idea, I don't even know where this is but I know how to get out now. Ryuko: how? Y/N: you your the key. But first I need you to follow me. Y/N grabs Ryuko by the hand and runs as they head towards something bright in the distance the scenery then changes as they now run through what seems like memories. They run through the old lab at Ryuko's fathers house and then honjoun academy, and then makos old home, and finally they stop at a beautiful field. Ryuko: where are we going?

What is your trying to show me? Y/N: I talked to him for awhile in here he's super cool no wonder you liked wearing him. Ryuko after hearing that looked forward and saw a cherry blossom tree and lying right next to it was the black and red sailor uniform senketsu. Ryuko ran to him and then hugged him in her arms she could feel senketsu crying cause he began to feel wrinkly and she started to cry as well with tears of joy. Senketsu: I found you. Ryuko: I found you too.

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