Sewn into a trap! Part 2

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(Authors note: brace yourselves this is a super super long chapter! Tons of action and development!) warning this will be about or even over 6000 words so be ready, maybe take breaks or something anyway I hope you enjoy :)

Everyone had gotten all their things adjusted and began changing into their beach wear. Ryuko changed in her room with Chibi Y/N sat on the bed watching a fashion show with Senkestu. Chibi Y/N: Why are they on a runway. Senkestu: I have no idea but her outfit is stylish. Chibi Y/N: I wonder if their clothes can transform too. Maybe their going to race the plane!

Senkestu: a race to showcase an outfits speed would be a entertaining show. However there is joy in the much simpler things like stitch work and detailing. Chibi Y/N: I'm bored now. Chibi Y/N began to change clothes from his little back pack as he put on his blue and green Dino swim trunks.

He turned to Ryuko about to ask her if she was ready when he saw she was still changing. Chibi Y/N with his child like innocent remained unfazed waiting for Ryuko to answer while Ryuko blushed abit asking him to give her a second.

 Chibi Y/N with his child like innocent remained unfazed waiting for Ryuko to answer while Ryuko blushed abit asking him to give her a second

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Ryuko inner thoughts: this is embarrassing

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Ryuko inner thoughts: this is embarrassing. Relax he's seen you naked already, he's just a kid. Please don't remember any of this when you turn back. Ryuko then picked up Chibi Y/N and put him on her shoulders and the two ran out the door towards the beach to have fun. Ryuko dived into the water with Chibi Y/N on her shoulders and they both began splashing each other.

Soon Nana joined and she and Ryuko had a race straight 500 meters and back. Ryuko: your on let's do it! Chibi Y/N: I'll join too, I've been training. Ryuko: ok little guy don't push yourself though. Chibi Y/N: got it! Nana: get ready to lose Ryuko. Y/N if I win how about a kiss on the cheek. Chibi Y/N: huh? Ok? If I win can I ride a dolphin! Ryuko: if we can find one but sure I'm good with these terms.

The two girls got into their stances and Chibi Y/N was right in the middle. Satsuki said go and the two girls sped off at super speeds jetting forward fast. Chibi Y/N was slowly doggy paddling with all his heart and energy in it. Satsuki walks over to where Chibi Y/N was and said: maybe taking the life jacket would make you faster. Chibi Y/N stopped in fear looking at Satsuki for a second before trying to swim away from her.

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