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13 years ago a young Y/N was running through the Forrest with a young Nana in front oh him holding his hand. Roars were heard behind them as something vicious was after them. The two ran through the Forrest dodging tree stumps and going past the many bushes and vines. Y/N (crying): Onee-Chan I'm scared!

Nana (scared but trying to be brave): it's ok everything will be ok alright. As long as we're together big sis will never let anything or anyone hurt you. Suddenly a demonic beast with the body of a lion, the wings of a dragon and the head of snake lunged at the two children. Nana pushed Y/N into a bush of leaves hoping to hide him as she got nicked by the claws on her back. Nana screamed in pain but refused to let Y/N die so she got up picking up a large stick.

She charged the beast hitting it in between the eyes and smashing rock into its right eye. She then taunted the beast and ran in the opposite direction hoping the beast would follow her away from Y/N. As she ran she heard a growl as in front of her another one of the creatures had appeared this one even bigger then the one behind her.

Nana gritted her teeth and felt her hands burn as she tried to use the dark magic her grandmother had taught her. Nana formed a dark red magic circle and jumped as the two beasts pounced at her. She then fired the magic spell at her feet and the two beasts beneath her. The explosion sent her flying many meters forward breaking her arm.

She lay there in pain, in tears thinking: Y/N please survive, don't die here. Y/N ran to his older sister in tears trying to help her up and comfort her, while she was telling him to leave her and get to the safe house. Y/N crying: I won't leave you here! Suddenly more and more growls were heard and Nana begged Y/N to go while he still had the chance but it was too late as more and more of those beasts approached they were surrounded from all angles.

Y/N stood with tears dropping down his face looking at his elder sister and he screamed in anger. As all the beasts pounced a explosion of heat erupted. Nana passed out but for intervals she woke and passed out again the last site she saw was her younger brother engulfed in dark red and blue flames. Nana felt warm and safe as she blacked out and when she awoke she was in bed with her grandmother crying tears of joy and scolding her for being so reckless as to get lost while playing with Y/N.

Nana immediately asked what happened to Y/N and she saw he was in the bed across from her his head, arms and chest bandaged. Nana had so many questions as to how they lived and her grandmother told her she would show her later. After she had recovered enough her grandmother took her on a walk to the area they had been attacked but instead that part of the Forrest was gone and all was left was a crater full of ash and remains of  hundreds of those beasts.

She looked around and then saw little ash footprints burned into the ground leading back to the safe house. Nana: Y/N? Her grandmother nodded her head saying: that boys grandfather was a demon who had pretended to be human. Our kind fights and kills these demons you realize that right. Nana began to tear up yelling: I won't let anyone hurt Y/N even if he's a demon! Her grandmother smiled: there are good demons, it is rare but possible.

That boy has a good heart but he's not just demon or Human in there. He's a danger to himself and the planet not just directly but also for anyone seeking power will come for him and try to take his life. Nana: I won't let that happen! Her grandmother turned to her and said: my sweet granddaughter I didn't want this life for you or your mother.

When I lost her to the demon invasion many years ago, I was naive and careless thinking we could abandon this bloodlines responsibilities and we both paid the price for it. That boys grandmother helped me end the war but she had a child with a demon and a cruel fate awaits her children and grandchildren. The only way to break both these cursed bloodlines is too have them merge destroying both curses. Nana: I don't understand grandmother.

Her grandmother then said: you have to train to become stronger then me and that boy will train to become stronger then his grandmother and when the two of you are at your strongest you will both fight a Great War and it will end with new life being brought forth ending all the bloodshed all the war and meaningless death as foretold by the prophecy of the Oracle centuries ago.

Nana: I will do my best grandmother, and I won't let Y/N or anyone else get hurt! Her grandmother then hugged her and said: one day in the future we will have to leave and you must be separated from him. When that day comes his memories will be hidden only to be unlocked when you two reunite at a later date. A long and difficult road is ahead of you my dear, be prepared to face it all with me as long as possible.

G/N who watched as Nana went back to bed to rest approached her friend saying: so you told her the truth eh Chie. Chie: that we drunkenly decided to arrange our two grandchildren into marriage to possibly fulfill a ancient prophecy about our cursed bloodlines and give birth to a savior. I told her enough for now. How about you? G/N: Y/N is not ready for that yet. he knows his grandfather died of a "heart attack" and that's it. He shouldn't know, or rather he doesn't need to know the truth. We have to leave it too them now, we'll fight back any and every demon trying to enter this world till our grandkids become stronger and stronger and fulfill the prophecy.

Chie: the prophecy mentions demons, humans, and those from beyond the stars. The war that's coming will be nothing like anything we've seen before, we can't just leave it too them. G/N: we won't we'll be there with them until our end and they'll have allies with them, my son is currently building an alliance with the humans and aliens on this planet. He's been studying one of the species in our dna these life fibers and has found a scientist and his wife who have found away to use them to become stronger.

With any luck we'll have their aid. Chie: and what if they are the enemies that this prophecy speaks of. G/N: then we'll stop them before they can even fulfill the prophecy. The next couple years Y/N and Nana grew up alongside each other and separated after Y/N's uncle died with Nana leaving for her special training and both Chie and G/N going to stop the war by attacking all demons invading earth around the world and attacking Ryago and life fiber monsters like her.

G/N and Chie wipes out the Ryagos family that had been infected and transformed into monsters like her. Before they got to Ryago herself though Satsuki and Ryuko had killed her. The two grandmothers thought that they had stopped the prophecy but what they didn't know was that there was one family member who was left alive Rion. Rion originally died at the hands of Ryago tearing him apart and seeing him back together into a little doll.

Years before Ryagos death Rion woke up in a secret facility deep underground created by Ryago. She had spent millions on the technology there to create the perfect body for her dear little brother to be reborn in with a price of her within him in the scenario where either her daughters or the two grandmothers had found and killed her.

The facility had everything money, supplies, fake ids, communications with all her contacts and associates and remnants of her life fibers to make him stronger. She left behind a message for a plan Rion should act on to bring her back and clothe the ugly earth. Rion spent years planning everything, changing plans, infiltrating the government and getting stronger.

He watched her sister as a stalker once approaching her only to be thrown out in disgust. Ryago thought he was complete failure of what she had dreamed to make, a beast with no beauty that she tried to kill once again. Rion who was much much stronger then his sister at this point faked his death letting her believe he perished. He realized that both him and his sister were imperfect and ugly as the human dna they were born from his sister was close to beauty but she never reached it dying at the hands of her filthy ugly human children.

Rion changed the plan, he would bring back his sister and make her perfect, and he would make himself perfect and wed her to be together forever. He would fix his nieces as well and make them perfect as well part of his perfect family. It was when he found his youngest niece interacting with a individual with supernatural and superhuman abilities did his plan come together.

He tested this individual by sending a gang boss to deal with him and he watched as the young man dealt with him easily and his daughter. When Rion changed Akio into what she had become he saw into her mind and saw the monster that Y/N had transformed into at the constructions site. He found the perfect sacrificial pawn to complete his plan and now he just needed to lead them in this big game that would end humanity and be the start of something new.

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