Torn apart part 4

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Y/N ran with great speed at the source of the explosions and Forrest fire with the sword satsuki gave him. Y/N: ok stay in control demonic hands and legs that's the farthest I've ever gotten in terms of control don't screw it up, stay focused, stay in control. Kick the bad guys ass save Ryuko and work out the courage to ask her out come on you can do this. Don't die, don't lose control, don't think about the glowing dick.

Y/N ran closer to the flames when he approached the source of the explosion. A man in a full body cloak stood there. Y/N removing the sword from his back got into a battle stance and charged immediately with the electric sword. The man blocked all the attacks and was unfazed. Y/N's inner thoughts: I can't even see his hand blocking these shots. I have to turn this up.

Y/N began to rev up the sword and its electricity flowed as he continued his flurry with greater intensity. Y/N: fine take this! He then impaled the ground Revving up the sword at the same creating a electric explosion on the ground. The man in the cloak was hit with electric wave but remained unfazed. The man in the cloak: no talk huh? That's quit a surprise and a bore.

Y/N: listen here asshole I'm tired and have heard enough villain monologues for thousands of lifetimes, can we just fight and finish this I have things I want to do. Cloaked man: like flirt with Ryuko matoi and dress up in silly costumes to play hero? Y/N swinging his sword again: shut your goddamn mouth and die already!

Cloaked man: heh boy your wasting your time more then mine, you think your little distraction will help your friends escape. Y/N: I was hoping to defeat you! ( he swung his blade but with his left foot he jumps up with force and flips over the cloaked man and then lands on his right foot and slashes with his right sword hand which is easily blocked but Y/N punches with his left hand with the small opening he bought himself.

The cloaked man didn't budge an inch still unfazed but not he was smiling. Y/N: you goddamn op anime villain, use two arms to destroy me in this fight already or leave us the hell alone! I'm not in the mood for the standard hold back and play around fight till things get serious! Cloaked man: if that's what you want I'll start attacking then.

Y/N: finally now shut up less talking more fighting! Y/N saw the cloaked man vanish and then Y/N flew through hundreds of trees landing on his face with thousands of wooden splinters all over his body. Y/N: I don't want to get up dammit. He slowly gets up bleeding and removes the large wood splinter as he sees his tactical suit full of damage and his body transforming even more.

Y/N: don't lose control please for the love of god hold together. Then Y/N was attacked once again at speeds he couldn't keep up with. Y/N fell back throwing up blood. Y/N: you couldn't be different type of villain could you. This anime B.S is a pain in the ass, just wait abit and you'll be sorry when I get that anime power up because of friendship and smack you around with ease. The man in the cloak chuckled and picked up Y/N by the hair.

Y/N: Now would be the time for a monologue. (He spits blood into the cloaked mans face.) Y/N: please tell me that got your face, it's hard to tell with that super dark cloak that somehow hides your entire face. Cloaked man: you realize your losing right? Y/N: yeah but I'm more concerned about that cloak cliche just so you can reveal yourself as someone important to the story like some big twist.

Wait a second, dad? The man in the cloak punched Y/N in the stomach sending him flying through more trees. Y/N coughing up blood: definitely not my dad he hurt me more emotionally when I disappointed him. You on the other hand I feel nothing, come on give me a disappointed look over this lame ass fight, make me angry and power up.

Man in the cloak: while I'm not your father or uncle or anyone you know Y/N I know everything about you. I look on you not with disappointment like your father would have but with amusement that such a useless person such as you and your father serve in this story. Your father is noone a mere human fool who diluted your grandmothers bloodline with more useless garbage that is human dna.

Just like him your a fool in a story that doesn't belong to you, a annoyance that exists purely as a motivator for the Kiryuin sisters. Y/N: ok not going to lie that one hurt, sorry but I have to kick your ass now. Standard anime fight rules, broken ribs, immense physical and emotional pain, still waiting for the power up.

the Man in the cloak removes his cloak to reveal a man with Satsukis glaring eyes but he had rainbow colored glowing hair. Y/N began to laugh and coughing up blood. Y/N: I'm sorry it's just the rainbow hair I get the cloak now, glad we're not related. Seriously dude you couldn't pick like one color maybe have a shaven head.

Cloaked man: that's the closest you've done to damage this whole time. Y/N: pretty much. The cloaked man throws off his cloak revealing a white a red suit with feathers? In his other hand he had Satsuki's sword. He threw the sword to Y/N saying: come on Y/N show me this power up, give me a reason not to knock you out right now and kill those two girls.

Y/N: your enjoying this too much, since your so generous can I get like 30 minutes to catch my breath. Cloaked man: you already know the answer to that question. Y/N sighs: so much for control, ketsu if your in there I give you permission to let it all out, I really hope your listening cause if your not we're both going to die. Nothing happens Y/N: my last words are $#%!! #*@!#!! Oh and I love my family and friends so much I'm sorry to do this to them.

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