Love is a battlefeild

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While Y/N and Hosi continued to fight a set of fire works erupting above the city.

The two stopped fighting seeing this display and instantly knowing something was wrong.

Those weren't fireworks.

While all the demons in the city thought this was a display of celebration the government officials watched on with smiles.

Demon president Zaku: it's ready, years of work, dealings and sacrifices but we finally have something to destroy this garbage society this false king has made.

Demon Vice President Menace: He May be strong but this thing is even stronger, finally the demon realm will be great again and earth will be ours.

As the fireworks continued cracks in the sky started forming and the sky changed from the usual red and pink to a light blue.

Y/N: What the hell!?

Hosi: Something is doing this, something powerful.

Suddenly the fire works came falling down turning into lasers

Y/N jumped into the air without hesitation blocking all of them with his body to protect the city.

Hoshi was about to help when armored demons wearing life fiber appeared from the alleys and skies shooting at and attacking all the civilians on the street. Hoshi at super speed began defending the civilians too distracted to help Y/N.

Y/N continued to get blasted as the fire works continued to increase getting strong and strong firing him into the ground and then below it not giving him the chance to fight back at the risk of if he deflected a single one he could damage the city or hurt a civilian.

The demons who were firing these lasers were demon snipers far above the city and they weren't letting up.

Outside the city a massive foot stomped cracking the ground around it. The figures glowed as it continued walking forward looking at the now blue sky.

The figure held back its right arm and then punched the sky so hard it shattered the barrier between the two realms.

The demon government emerged with their entire army using life fiber armor and tech to make themselves stronger and they opened a portal to earth.

The monster jumped through the portal while the demon government and its army followed.

Y/N gritted his teeth cursing the government.

Hoshi cleared out the cities intruders while their grandfather evacuated the city.

Hoshi then shot a blast from her hand blowing up the snipers pinning Y/N.

Y/N emerged from a crater in the ground angry.

Y/N: Stupid sealing magic and stupid government.

Hoshi: you let your guard down, looks like they've finally made their move. After this we can finally get rid of this government with the proof of all the evil they've done.

Y/N: It took awhile, but we also have to go stop them from hurting any humans.

Hoshi: you sure about that, we could just close the barrier let them fend for themselves. If we're lucky the humans and the government will take each other out.

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