Stitching hearts part 2

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And now a cringe Christmas rhyme. (Note I know this story skipped thanksgiving and Halloween but don't worry we'll get there soon enough)

As the days went on and Christmas approached on the day of Christmas Eve a miraculous bout had approached. Ryuko and Y/N battled through the fair sky's shaking all but a Mako not a Rion in sight. Lady Satsuki watched with cheerful delight at the progress of their might. The Christmas party was at 9 and the elite four were to join. For the day of giving had come for Y/N's special surprise and Rion's devilish delight.

Ok now to the actual story.

(the day before Christmas Eve)

Ryuko had finally been able to control her cat form and was able to turn it off as long as her emotions were stable and mind was clear. The new problem that had occurred was when Y/N had also tried transforming after training to power up like a anime character but to no effect.

Regardless he kept trying hoping he could transform like Ryuko had with the life fibers. Ryuko: I don't think you'd want to turn into a cat. Y/N: not a cat but if I focus I might be able to transform into a dragon! Ryuko: your demon powers already let you transform though. Y/N: yeah but if I could transform without losing control that'd be awesome and super useful. Ryuko: welp good luck with that, just be careful ok.

The next day (Christmas Eve),
Ryuko and Satsuki were sparing hundreds of meters in the air at super speeds clashing fists and kicks. Ryuko: we've both gotten allot stronger in such a short amount of time. Satsuki: yes but is it enough to stop Rion. His strength is something I don't know if we can reach just yet.

Ryuko: maybe but with our friends we should be able to bridge the gap. It'd be cool if we could make a life fiber giant mech with all of us and just squash him or something. Satsuki: let me guess from a anime you saw. Ryuko: no. It was an anime me and Y/N watched together.

Satsuki: if only it were as simple as an anime, Rion probably has a complicated plan to bring back Ryago. In the worst case scenario she comes back we have to be ready to fight two monsters. Ryuko: Me and Senkestu will be ready. If we could get the elite four some life fiber suits that'd help.

Satsuki: already on it, they used what was examined and replicated some fibers from both Junketsu and Senkestu to make some new goku uniforms. The elite four should be training to use them now, but I also told them to train to fight without them.

If there's one possible advantage we might have it's to fight even without the life fibers. Ryuko: let's take 5. The two stopped their epic sky battle which had scarred away every bird in a city radius and descended to the ground and went inside to take a break.

As the two sisters were enjoying their tea the doorbell rang. Ryuko: that's probably Y/N, I'll get it. Ryuko walked to the door and opened it to see a small child, most likely a preschooler. This small child had little devil horns and a tail wagging around. The child also had oversized gloves on.

The child looked up and said: Ryuko! I came here by myself! Ryuko looked at the child shaking from the over abundance of cuteness and innocence the child seemed to possess. Ryuko crouching down to talk to the boy: hey little guy, are you lost? Where's your parents? Y/N child voice: Ryuko it's me Y/N, I though we were going to play today?

Ryuko confused picks up the child and carries him inside. Ryuko: Senkestu a little help. Senkestu: this is Y/N it's the same life fibers. Ryuko then took off the little boys gloves to see one hand was completely made of life fibers. Ryuko even more confused: Uuhhh Sis we have a problem.

Satsuki: what's wrong? Is Y/N ok? Ryuko: about that (she holds up the child who was apparently Y/N) Cibi Y/N waving his little hand: hi big sis Satsuki! Satsuki: well this is a surprise. Ryuko's inner thoughts: why did Satsuki get big sis and I just get Ryuko? What happened to him? Was he this cute as a kid? Focus help him first, take pictures later.

Ryuko: apparently this is happening. The two called Y/N's mother who picked up in a panic. Y/N's mother sounded relieved she said Y/N woke up like this in the morning and seemed to reverted back to a child both physical and mentally even his memories. They had just gone shopping for the day when she lost track of him at the dairy aisle. Y/N's mom: he's always been like this as a child, he wanders around and day dreams so innocently.

I'm surprised he remembers you two and where you live, maybe he still remembers everything else. The two sisters then assured Y/N's mother they'd help restore Y/N back to normal and watch him for the whole day since his mother had to go to work. Ryuko: Y/N you remember us right. Chibi Y/n shook his head yes. Satsuki: do you remember everything else like being a grown up like us.

Chibi Y/N again nodded his head and said: I remember older me fell asleep yesterday then I came out. Ryuko: ??? Satsuki: this could be a persona or a split personality. Maybe his younger self developed its own personality and took over. Ryuko: he was trying to transform all day maybe this is what he transformed into it. Satsuki: always finds a way to surprise you doesn't he. Chibi Y/N looked confused not understanding their words.

Chibi Y/N: I like surprises. Ryuko and Satsuki both took pictures of the child before realizing they both had no experience taking care of a child. Ryuko: this is both messed up and adorable. Satsuki: we need to fix this fast, before Rion attacks again. Ryuko: any ideas Senkestu? Senketsu: none at all. Ryuko: great, so we have to take care of him for the day and find a way to turn him back and we know how to do neither. Satsuki: please how hard could it be to take care of a child.

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