Unravelling threads part 1

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Ryoku after everything that had happened had to explain how she ended up in Y/N's bed this morning and the fight arrangements with Akio after she kidnapped Mako and her family lastly she apologized for breaking his nose for about 5 mins. Y/N: there's allot going on but thanks I appreciate it and don't worry I havsuper healing, as for Mako we'll get her and her family back. Ryuko went back to her home with Y/N's briefcase to show and explain to satsuki everything that had happened.

Ryuko examining her sister face as she read through everything and listened to Ryuko's explanation. Ryuko: so what do you think? Satsuki: I think something big is about to happen, and that we can't trust this Y/N he could be dangerous and trying to get close to you to hurt you. He could even be one ryagos old subordinates trying to get revenge and we've seen that before, there's no telling if any of this is real or just made to trick you.

Ryuko: that seems harsh are you sure about that. Satsuki: I've dispatched the elite four to spy on Y/N for the next couple of days and longer if need be. For now you can trust him but be weary. Ryuko: sure I'll be careful but I'm telling you he's a good guy, awkward s but good.

Satsuki: make sure to not let your feeling for him cloud your judgement. Ryuko blushes red stammering: wwwwhat are you talking about, I don't have feelings for him!!! Satsuki: your face and reaction say otherwise, be careful of boys Ryuko. Ryoku: wait a second are you saying this to play the teasing big sister or because you honk he's a genuine threat?!

Satsuki sips on her tea and smiles: abit of both to be honest, if he's trustworthy as you say then there's a whole other process that's more protective if you want to date him. Ryuko: your enjoying this too much. Satsuki: it's quite amusing, but don't worry I'm sure you'll find the right person when it's time. Ryuko: can we get back on topic.

Satsuki: you have to save the mankanshoku's and I'll talk to mikisugi and nudist beach to see if they have any info on this new development while the elite four study your friend Y/N and if either of us find anything we'll go from there. Ryuko: I'm not going to ask how you know about Mako but thanks for letting me handle it.

Satsuki: just checking in on you but still giving you the space to handle things on your own. Ryuko: thanks that means allot. Life just keeps getting crazier and crazier doesn't it. Satsuki: I've learned to accept it, and I'm confident your strong enough to face whatever craziness follows. Ryuko: your getting good at this whole sister thing. Satsuki: you think so, well I guess that means we're bonding so how about we get in the bath together. Ryuko sighs: fine but you have to promise to tone down the spying. Satsuki: I'll try.

Meanwhile with Y/N he was finishing up homework when he heard sirens with his enhanced hearing. He quickly ran to his backpack and pulled out his coustume which had quiet allot of bullet holes recently he didn't sew it since before he fought Akios father and right now it looked like sewing it wouldn't do as much good.

Y/N walked to the basement and saw the trunk he left open with his suit inside. He stared at it tempted to put it on, the thought that maybe he was finally strong enough to wear it popped up in his head. Then he remembered all those times he had lost control.

Y/N closed the trunk and placed it back underneath the stairs, he then opened a cabinet and decided for now black duct tape would keep his current suit together as he ran out and used speed and agility mixed with parkour to follow the sirens to where he needed to go.

Y/N spent the next couple hours stopping robbers, saving cops from gang wars while he fought to end said gang wars, he went and saved hostages, stopped a couple drug dealers and got shot at allot. Walking home Y/N felt so tired and in pain from using his powers he was ready to pass out.

Most of his suit was just bullet holes and burn marks now except his googles which were now cracked. His entire suit looked like it went through a shredder and was set on fire with parts now missing like a pant leg and his gloves burned off and his face mask torn on one side.

It wasn't that the enemies were tough but that Y/N held back too much and it left his guard open way too often. As Y/N made it to his backyard he changed into his regular clothes and went through the backdoor and knowing his mom and sister were upstairs he quickly went into the bathroom to take a shower and hopefully lessen the pain. Afterwards Y/N felt better took the remains of his costume and stuffed it in his closet and said hi to his mom and sister and had dinner.

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