Unravelling threads part 3

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Akio was skipping class and staying home when her butler came to her with a tablet saying Mistress Akio all the warehouses were attacked. Akio: when was this? Butler: according to the men it was today all of them were hit one after another in 5 hours since 9 am.

Akio: the mankanshoku's were taken right. Butler: yes and all the warehouses have been severely damaged the buildings are unstable and the men are heavily injured. Akio: why didn't the alarm set when one of them got attacked so the hostages could be killed. Butler: it seems the creature destroyed all communications centers and the cell towers around all the warehouses.

Then it quickly dispatched all the men in a stealthy and quick manner they all say it was a devil. Akio went through the footage on the tablet to see men being thrown through Windows's, clawed and punched through walls and the floor. She saw that whatever attacked was too fast as some of the men had their arms and legs nearly sliced off.

The footage from all the warehouses was nothing but frightened thugs being attacked by this monster and the cameras being destroyed. She tires slowing down the footage before the camera was destroyed and she had a blurry picture of the monster with a demonic black and red tail and a suit made of red and black armor with long horns and demonic wings.

(Note it looks sorta like the daredevil suit but with longer horns and a brighter more bloodier looking red and a black cloth cover over the mouth. And of course the demonic tail sticking out from the suit and demonic wings on the back.)

The creature looked at the camera quickly before destroying it

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The creature looked at the camera quickly before destroying it. Akio: dammit the mankanshoku's are free now! She throws the tablet at the wall in anger. Who was that, it couldn't be either of those idiots it's was taller then both Ryuko and Y/N and had wings and a tail?

Akio: I want all the men to track this thing now!!! Butler: unfortunately mistress most of them are currently getting medical treatment and about half of them have given in their resignations. Akio then began to get angry kicking the table over and stomping on it as she yelled: Dammit!!!

Ryuko sat there in class waiting for Y/N to show up but he never did. She tried calling and texting to no result so she decided to wait till after school to go to his house and check on him. Suddenly Ryuko was tackled by Mako hugging her like crazy, speaking fast and crying all at the same time.

Ryuko asked what happened and she said her parents are back someone freed them. Ryuko: really who? Y/N according to my brother he said it was a cool demon guy and my father thought it was the devil coming to punish him for all the patients he used to lose as a back alley doctor.

Ryuko: it was probably Y/N then who saved them. Ryuko: I need to go see him Mako try to stay safe ok make sure Akio doesn't get to you guys if anything happens call me. As Ryuko ran to Y/N's house. Once she got there she saw the front door was open. Ryuko ran in to see drops of blood all over the floor.

She followed the trail to the basement right in front of the trunk where Y/N kept his suit. Ryuko saw the empty trunk and the pool of blood next to it. Ryuko's heart sank as she ran up the stairs and saw that the backdoor was also open. She ran out only to find all of the elite four knocked out in the garden. Ryuko tried to wake up gamagori who was taking a literal dirt nap.

Ryuko: come on wake up man (shakes him)  Gamagori (waking up): Matoi!!! You have to save Mako and her family quickly!!! Ryuko: relax there all safe just tell me where Y/N is did he do this?! Gamagori: I do not know, when we came to spy on him nobody was here and after awhile a demon had arrived. We hid watching it from afar but it detected us instantly and attacked, matoi it's made out of life fibers and something else and it kept repeating your name.

As Ryuko helped Gamagori and everyone else wake up and leave she got a call from Mako telling her to watch the news. On the news there was a helicopter reporting from above recording a all out gang war between the cities criminals at a construction site of a skyscraper owned by Akios father.

It was hundreds of thugs of the many different gangs all attacking each other and something else that the news team was focused on. The demon like creature that looked like the devil was attacking everyone. Ryuko noticed the same eye designs as senketsu on the shoulders of the demon and immediately knew where she had to go.

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