Y/N: life on a thread Part 3

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After moving for awhile and then a long car ride Y/N noticed they were now in a building with at least 100 armed men. Y/N and Ryuko were then cuffed to a metallic pole and their sacks were removed and they were left alone as a door was closed.

Ryuko: everything's going to be ok Y/N I'll get us out of here. Y/N: thanks don't worry I trust you. (Y/N's inner thoughts: crap they took my backpack my gear is there! Crap! crap! crap! If they find it I'm screwed) Ryuko then shatters her cuffs easily to Y/N's surprise.

Y/N: woah (she's like me)! Ryuko: i promise to explain later but the gist is I have super strength. She then broke Y/N's cuffs and they both got up and looked around. Y/N: there's only one way in and out. Ryuko: as soon as we get out there we're going to be shot at so stay behind me ok.

Ryuko then reached into her shirt with Y/N blushing she pulled out a super tiny pair of red scissors that instantly grew into a giant blade like size. Y/N: Ryuko your so cool. Ryuko blushing: thanks but your not weirded out or scared by me. Y/n: no way I think your a badass and so cool and pretty and - (realizing he said that without thinking and then turning beet red with blush) Ryuko now blushing deeper: thanks let's get out of here.

Y/N and Ryuko charge as Ryuko cuts through the door with her scissors and roundhouse kicks the guard closest to her sending him flying. All the other gangsters reach for their guns and fire but Ryuko separates her scissors into two separate blades and cuts through all the bullets shot at her with great speed and strength.

Y/N uses his agility and strength to kick and punch the men into the ground as he takes their knives and throws them disarming as many as he can before he punches them into walls and smashes vases, lamps, chairs and tables against them. Both Y/N and Ryuko clear the room beating all the gangsters easily and they stop to catch their breath as they face each other.

Ryuko: your not normal either huh. Y/N: sorry For hiding it I've never met anyone like you who hasn't tried to kill me before. Ryuko smiling: same. The two of them look around the mansion and They both find their backpacks with Y/N making sure his gear is still there. Ryuko: so your that masked vigilante that's been on the news.

Y/N: yeah it's a long story. Ryuko: after this we can trade stories. Y/N smiling: sure, so who's mansion is this anyway. Ryoku: if I had to guess it'd be Akio's and her dads. Y/N then saw a picture of Akio and her father wearing a all red suit, the same exact suit as the mob boss from this morning. Y/N: oh no. Ryuko: what? Y/N: her dad was the guy I fought this morning I turned him over to the cops.

Ryuko: so that's why you were late this morning, and why she seemed extra pissed today. Y/N: still that's abit much just cause I kicked her dad out a window and had him arrested. Ryuko: heh nice. Ryuko: you think she's here I can settle it here. Y/N closed his eyes and concentrated his senses till he heard two in the room across the hall. Y/N: she's here. Ryuko: how'd you? Y/N: super senses. Ryuko blushing: we should fight sometime I bet you'd be a great workout/sparing partner. Y/N blushing: sure that sounds fun.

Ryuko and Y/N enter the room to see Akio sitting on a chair with one hand resting over her phone and the other hand holding a gun resting on Soroi's forehead as he was tied to his chair. Ryuko: Soroi!!! Let him go you bitch!!! Akio: calm down Ryuko as long as you two don't do anything he'll be fine, and in the case you do manage to stop this bullet from point blank I'll upload this mansions security footage of your little battle with my guards.

The world will see you freaks for what you are, unless you do what I say and nobody gets hurt. Ryuko clenching her fist in anger clenches her teeth and stares with immense anger. Ryuko: fine what do you want. Akio: you'll be my pet, and personal body guard from now on. The same goes for your boyfriend over there. Ryuko holding back her anger doesn't say anything but her anger is felt through the room.

Akio: oh not so talkative now huh? On a show of good faith I want you and Y/N to get on your knees and crawl to me then lick the bottom of my feet. Akio has a masochist looking face while saying all that. Y/N inner thoughts: crap what do we do, no way would Ryuko do all that maybe I can— before he could finish that thought Ryuko fell to her knees and began to crawl to Akio slowly.

Y/N unsure what to do with no choices felt powerless and fell to his knees as well and followed Ryuko and as they got closer and closer Y/N was thinking if he bites her foot hard enough he could tackle her away from the phone and Soroi but he could risk her pulling the trigger on him. As both of them were now a meter away from Akios extended foot there was a sudden snap noise.

Soroi who was pretending to be asleep and had actually cut his ropes using a pocket knife he had on him and grabs the gun in Akios hand as in the struggle she fires upwards multiple times. In that instant Ryuko throws her shrunken scissors at Akios other hand cutting her palm and making her drop her phone which Y/N quickly stomps to pieces.

As Akio reacts to the cut on her hand and Soroi knocks the gun away in their struggle Ryuko jumps up while uppercutting Akio. Soroi: thank you for the rescue madame Ryuko, and Mister Y/N. The two look at each other and smile as Akios unconscious body hits the floor and they take a couple selfies with her Incase she tries to blackmail them again. All three then decide to leave the mansion and take Y/N home.

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