Legacy and Loss

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Y/N's grandparents stood there face to face.

Y/N grandfather: You look as beautiful as the day I lost you.

G/N: You've become even more foolish since I last saw you.

The two walked closer to each other.

Y/N's grandfather: I recall you loving this fool.

G/N: You've become a old man and yet still such a child

G/N grabbed her husband by the face and kissed him.

The two held both hands intertwining fingers and then resting their foreheads on each other's.

G/N: Let's save our grandson you idiot.

Meanwhile Ryuko and Hoshi landed in the cold depths of the demon realm finding a unconscious Y/N in a crater.

Ryuko: Y/N!?!

Hoshi looked around hearing growls.

Hoshi: Hell hounds and ancient demons are here, their coming for us, can you move him?.

Ryuko picked up Y/N: Let's go.

Hoshi suddenly flew back thrown into a wall.

Fog manifested quickly.

Ryuko: Senketsu let's grab Hoshi and go!

Suddenly whistling was heard echoing around her.

Yosh walked through the fog whistling.

Ryuko: Y/N?! Another you? Why do you look so different?

In that instant Yosh appeared right in front of her kissing her.

As they separated Yosh looked into her eyes: I'll miss you Ryuko but know that I'll always love you.

Before Ryuko could react Erity knocked her out with a single blow to the back of the neck.

Hoshi ripped herself out of the wall and ran at Yosh.

Yosh looked at his sister apologetically.

Yosh: Sorry about this.

With a single stomp on the ground a massive earthquake shattering chasm formed.

Hoshi was launched away by the pure force.

Yosh: Show time.

Erity raised her hand to sky and warped the entire dimension instantly. The skies changed color from red to blue and it began to rain. Then snow. It was becoming colder and colder.

Yosh: Your literally freezing hell over.

Erity: Hell is worse then this.

As a storm of lightening, snow and rain washed over all of the demon realm the citizens panicked. Their fear became pure energy to Erity.

Yosh: So how do I bind you to me?

Erity: I'll do it simply.

Male reader x ryuko Matoi (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now