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Authors note: hey guys we made it to 50 chapters/parts! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🤘🤘🤘🤘🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭❤️🎈😆😆😆 That's awesome. Thank you for all the love and support so far! I highly appreciate it and all your comments and feedback. Anyway before we get into it I'd like to ask a very serious important question that you the reader must answer in the comments for the sake of the ending of this story so it's up to you guys the fate of Y/N is in your hands! Ok here's the question:.....

Should this story have a harem? Do you guys want a harem between Y/N and other girls or should it be strictly just Y/N and Ryuko? Of course even if it's a harem Ryuko will still be best girl or the most focused on one since it's her and Y/N's story but a harem let's me write a far more interesting story with more possibilities and other types of characters. Anyway it's up to you guys sorry for babbling on so till next time :)

P.S. allot of these recent chapters have been allot longer then the other chapters I hope you enjoy it.

New Year's Eve Ryuko and Chibi Y/N saw the fireworks and counted down to the new year. Satsuki started the new year by legally changing her last name to a Matoi and rebranding her mother's company name from kiryuin industries to Matoi industries. Akio had spent her time laying low and waiting for instructions from Rion that never came.

There was a single day left before school had started again and Ryuko was panicking for Y/N. He still hasn't transformed back into his bigger self and they had no idea how he would go to school tomorrow. Satsuki: relax Ryuko I have handled the situation.

I bribed the school and gave them enough of a donation for them to remodel and improve their education with better resources and facilities thanks to Matoi industries. Your principal has been informed Y/N was in a accident when you showed him around one of Matois tech research departments that had been developing a machine to slow down and de age people. Ryuko: seriously you think they'll believe that.

Satsuki: I doubt they'd believe the alien transformation truth. Plus the machine part isn't a lie our mother actually was developing that for years but it never amounted to anything but random useless prototype machines in a old shutdown RnD department. I told your school you and Y/N snuck in to play a prank while on a date and the machine was set off by Y/N. Ryuko: jeez why did you tell them we're together.

Satsuki: well you two are together right. Chibi Y/N: yup! Ryuko: ok you know what I mean. Satsuki: regardless despite the circumstances he can continue his education there and he's in your care so do your best to help him. Ryuko: he has the mindset of a child right now how is he going to do high school subject courses of work? Satsuki: I had Y/N take a test earlier, this exam is from a advance placement English class and he did more then pass.

Then I gave him a math test and he just barley passed. Ryuko: ok why though? Satsuki: I checked his school records and he had taken those types of tests before and his scores that he got before he transformed and the scores he had after he transformed match. So to some extent he still contains his memories and knowledge he just thinks like a child. Ryuko: so could his mind slowly be returning to its former self.

Satsuki: yes or it could be evolving according to some tests we had on his brain. Ryuko: great so he could be closer to returning to normal. Satsuki: apparently so. Ryuko: tomorrow is going to be fun alright. Chibi Y/N: wait so I have a bedtime again. Satsuki: yes and since your mother is having you sleep over here today and told us about your lack of wanting to sleep at bedtime we'll make sure to enforce this rule.

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