Satsuki a leaders might!

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Satsuki sipped her tea in victory over the chess game she had won against her female cyborg opponent.

Satsuki: B3 you honestly play just as poorly in chess as you do in making tea.

B3: You words are as sharp as your eyebrows my fair lady.

Satsuki: I am most certainly not yours or fair. I am a engaged woman after all and to a absolutely amazing woman.

B3: That's too bad your totally my type. So she as good at chess as you are.

Satsuki: No she's a champion of checkers though. I do think she'd have no trouble handling you regardless of the game.

B3: So if something were to happen to her would I have a chance?

Satsuki laughed: Not a chance in hell. Besides you won't be able to touch Nonon.

B3: Why's that?

Satsuki: For one I figured out all I need to know about you people. A private cybernetic and magic infused group with a grudge against Y/N for destroying your Cybernetic private army and it's leader B1.

B3: Am I really a quick study.

Satsuki: Why yes but also when I met Y/N I did my background checks and heard some of his stories and he mentioned your little group Magic Beta Works.

B3: Huh. So I don't see how that protects your wife to be.

Satsuki: Your organization was destroyed but not exposed and before Y/N lost his memories he gave me a flash drive containing all your little secrets. Oh and also my wife can beat any of the little cyborgs you send after her.

B3: Well played.

Satsuki: Not really I barley played, you people rushed into a fight you weren't ready for. Maybe if you came after us when we first met Y/N you might have stood a chance but as we are now we're all stronger then anything you could hope to take on.

B3: Your right but we had no choice and we had orders.

Satsuki: From who?

B3: B1.

Satsuki: I though Y/N destroyed B1.

B3: He did in a manner of speaking.

Satsuki: So B1 survived and wanted revenge and I'm guessing she saw now with Y/N's memories gone as the perfect chance to do so.

B3: Not exactly.

Satsuki: I guess it doesn't matter it's only been a couple minutes but I assume all of your group has been defeated whenever they are.

B3: How did you—

Satsuki: Please figuring out I time traveled is easy for one the view of the city is completely different then the one from our time after the alien attacks and rebuilding. Second this tea your severing hasn't been used since the 20's.

B3: I was foolish to think I could get that past a tea connoisseur such as yourself.

Satsuki: Truly foolish. Impressive your group has discovered time travel but still foolish. I'm surprised you haven't caused some sort of theoretical paradox, changed the timeline or ripped apart reality altogether.

B3: Well apparently time travel is more complicated then the movies make it out to be. We can't change anything even if we tried.

Satsuki: That explains why Y/N is still alive you couldn't kill him as a boy or save your group.

B3: No to the first part and Yes to saving our organization. You see time travel is like blowing a bubble.

Satsuki: What a strange analogy.

B3: Humor me.

Satsuki: Very well.

B3: History has already happened everything that is past is the past and when we travel back and try to change anything it bounces everything back. The past is a unbreakable bubble and when you travel back your trapped in it.

Satsuki: Interesting so what about the different possibilities and scenarios? A multiverse?

B3: it exists the multiverse is the bottle and the different worlds, choices, events and realities are different shapes. We just don't have the right bubble wands to visit those worlds.

Satsuki: This analogy gets stranger but I'm following along so we don't have the keys to access these other worlds but how is this bubble unbreakable.

B3: When we discovered the ability to time travel we went back and tried to change as many things as we could famous deaths, wars, tragedies, historic events and nothing would stick.

Satsuki: But we can interact with this world correct?

B3: Say if we fought and brought this building down people would react and see it but the time stream and reality would undo everything we did like it never happened and those of this time would react and act as they did in this time period without any memory of us.

Satsuki: So the past is unchangeable.

B3: Yes that's why we transported your group in different periods to take advantage of the no civilians would be killed and we were hoping you wouldn't figure it out and give us openings to win.

Satsuki: So what happens if we stay here?

B3: If you don't physically exist in this time period you either fade into non existence or become a trapped soul forever stuck. There's millions of them outside this building from different points in time far in our futures or from ancient history.

Satsuki: It's a spell isn't it. It's a purgatory for time travelers staying in the past so why don't they all use the spell to go back.

B3: We don't know but the spell works for us both ways. We also learned if you do travel to a point where you still exist you'll be absorbed by yourself at that current point in time and you'll be trapped in a infinite loop of being born and traveling back.

Satsuki: Dangerous but on the bright side looks like the universe is strong enough to handle idiots interacting with time.

B3: Thankfully so it appears I've lost. I'll take us back.

Satsuki: Wait teach me the spell first.

B3: Whats in it for me?

Satsuki unsheathed her sword: You'll get to make it back to present.

A spotlight lit on where Satsuki stood as she aimed her blade.

B3: Where did that light come from?

Satsuki: I don't need to change my history, but a useful ability like that doesn't appear every day.

B3: I'm going to regret this.

Satsuki: Most likely. Now let's play for real.

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