Y/N: life on a thread Part 1

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Y/N steadily woke up to see his arms tied to the chair he was in. He could hear the people around him talking about how they can't touch him till they're boss had arrived. Y/N pretended to still be unconscious and listened in. The men around him were nervous, their hearts were beating faster, one of them was pacing back and forth. The apartment they were in was trashed bullet holes here and there, broken glass all in the kitchen, a couple holes in the walls some sized like a fist and some like a humans head. Y/N then heard the doorbell ring, the boss had arrived.

The man at the door wore a all red suit and walked into the room. He looked at Y/N's seemingly unconscious body and then back at his men and laughed. The man pulled out a gun and then shot one of his men in the shoulder then foot. Before the guy who got shot could scream the man in the red suit hit him across the face with his gun. Man in red suit: all of you clowns couldn't take out one kid, you wasted my time for this!

Before the men could explain to their boss what had happened Y/N had broken through his restraints and kicked the man in the red suit through a window down to the first floor. Y/N: sorry guys he was just being a dick, I'm sure you guys did your best to get me. All the men in fear reached for their guns but as they did that Y/N used great agility and strength to throw some men into the walls and ceiling or punch and kick them into the floor boards.

Y/N looked out the broken window which he kicked the boss out of and jumped out it. The man in the red suit had landed on a taxi cab and broke a couple bones. Y/N then landed on the sidewalk and punch the boss in the face knocking him out and taking his cell phone to call the police. Y/N then saw the time on the cell phone and panicked. Y/N: I'm gonna be late crap! Y/N took the crime boss's wallet and opened the cab door and stepped in.

The cab driver was about to yell at Y/N for damaging his cab when Y/N threw him the entire wallet saying: this should cover the damages and the fare and a super large tip, can you drive me to Rinehorn high school. The cab driver smiled and agreed to drive Y/N. The cab drove off with the unconscious crime boss on the roof of the cab falling of onto the sidewalk. Y/N: crap I left my backpack at home. Cab driver: kid if you need disguise clothes we can stop by a clothing store real quick. Y/N (smiling): thanks mister I appreciate it!

(Meanwhile) Ryuko matoi woke up from a nightmare with a gasp. Ryuko looked around realizing she was still in her room. Her nightmare was off a burned and torn senketsu screaming for help only for Ryukos mother to appear and rip him apart then turn to Ryuko and attack. While Ryuko tried calming herself down she got ready and looked at the time. Ryuko: Crap I'm late!

Ryuko ran out of her bedroom and saw Satsuki left her a note and some breakfast. The note read: Ryuko I had to go to work early today make sure to get to school on time and try not to get into more trouble ok. Ryuko smiles at her sisters note and how they both are used to them being sisters after that switch from enemies to allies over a year ago. Ryuko are her breakfast and then got a ride from Soroi the family butler and met Mako in the classroom for their first day at Rinehorn high.

Y/N got out of the cab and thanked the driver as his gear was now hidden in the backpack he bought along with his normal clothes. Y/N unfortunately was late and the teacher made this a big deal to the whole class and telling Y/N to take a empty seat next to Ryuko. Ryuko wasn't paying much attention but she already found the school boring and saw the awkward and nervous Y/N sit next to her so she thought to herself.

She had built up a reputation in every school she went to always getting in trouble and fighting, but she liked that part of herself and she liked fighting for fun. Ryoku who was daydreaming about her past fights and experiences woke up to Makos calls for help on the classwork.

Ryuko smiled and helped her friend out while Y/N who was struggling with the classwork was wondering who to ask he thought about asking Ryuko but he wasn't very social or good with social interaction. The bell then rang and Y/N had to give in his worksheet with all his guess answers. After a couple more classes it was lunch time.

Y/N had grabbed a tray a stood looking at all the tables and social groups that he really didn't want to be apart of so he went to find a loner table for himself. Ryuko and Mako got their lunch trays and also were looking for a loner table since Ryuko felt that she wouldn't like hanging out with the gossip group or the delinquents or jocks and whatever else for that matter.

Y/N finally reached a loner table and put his tray on the table the same time as Ryuko and Mako did. Y/N was nervous sitting next to the two of them and quietly said: do you mind if I join you two. Mako exclaimed sure happily and proceeded to ask Y/N a billion questions and lightening speed.

Y/N was both frightened surprised and confused by the girls amazing speed at talking while scarfing down her food at the same time. After a thousands of random questions the only one Y/N could actually answer was will you be me and Ryukos new friend. Y/N quietly said sure and Mako exclaimed YAY! Happily as she finished her food and fell asleep in the span of seconds.

Y/N: asleep already! She's so fast. Ryuko laughed a bit saying: don't worry you get used to it. Don't we have a couple classes together? Y/N: yeah I think first, third, fourth, lunch and sixth. Ryuko: oh yeah you were that kid who was late in the morning and the one who got hit in volleyball.

I hate when teachers call people out like that. Y/N: yeah that's me, Ryuko you were awesome at volleyball you destroyed us. Ryuko smiles abit, I hope your alright I didn't hurt you did I?

Y/N (awkward nervous laugh): thanks but I'm fine I've been hit allot before (inner thoughts: by criminals and super villains) Ryuko: that's good to hear. (Ryukos inner thoughts that's good I held back my strength even without senketsu I could have killed those people if I weren't careful and held back. I'm pretty sure I scared everyone in gym class though I'm glad Y/N isn't afraid of me.) (Y/N's inner thoughts: 😭 I did it I made two friends and I talked to girls this is awesome!)

After their brief conversation someone approached their table

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