Stitching hearts part 7

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Ryuko: Y/N this was my fathers old watch it's one of the only things I have left of him, I didn't know him that well and now that he's gone I guess I never will. But I think he would have liked you, and I think your the right person to have it.

Chibi Y/N didn't say anything and just stared back at Ryuko. She was confused at first she thought he would try to eat it or play with it but this reaction she never saw coming. Before Ryuko could say anything Chibi Y/N hugged Ryuko with his little hands and started crying happily.

Chibi Y/N: I'm sorry that I turned into this Ryuko, I'm sorry for all the pain and suffering I put you through, I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to beat Rion, I'm sorry — this time Chibi Y/N was surprised as Ryuko chopped him on the head and then embraced him and started tearing up as well. Ryuko: you idiot your always apologizing for things that aren't your fault.

I told you early didn't I, I love you it doesn't matter what form/transformation or anything else that could happen. Nothing will change how much I love you got it. Ryuko rested her forehead on Chibi Y/N's and started wiping away his tears as he did the same for her. After that Chibi Y/N took out his mother's bracelet and said: before I transformed the big me wanted to give this to you it was my moms when she met dad.

Ryuko I love you too, I will be strong. Ryuko put on the bracelet and then hugged Chibi Y/N again saying: dummy your already strong, and together we're even stronger then whatever Rion can dream of. Satsuki holding a camera and recording: aww that was so cute. Both Y/N and Ryuko turned around and immediately Ryuko blushed while Chibi Y/N didn't really get why satsuki was doing. Ryuko: please tell me you didn't get that.

Satsuki: nope. Ryuko: oh thank go—Satsuki : I recorded all of that. Ryuko then Leapt off the couch and chased her sister for the camera. Satsuki: come on it was very cute, I think it'd be a cute video to play at the wedding. I think this'll be my Christmas present this year. Ryuko blushing harder now said: I'm so going to return the slippers I bought for you.

Chibi Y/N watched the two girls Chase one another thinking it was a game so he then dived off the couch and ran after them as Sasori came home and smiled at the family he had become a part of long ago. He went off to make some tea for everyone and was accompanied by Chibi Y/N who's short intention span had him bored chasing the two girls around the house.

Sasori: Master Y/N I can assume you had allot of fun with lady Satsuki and lady Ryuko today. Chibi Y/N smiled saying: you bet, we all had fun. Sasori can you teach me to make tea? Sasori smiled this time: why of course but it requires skill and patience do you think you can steel yourself for it. Chibi Y/N took a deep breath in and puffed out his chest saying: I can do it! Sasori: very well then let's make a good batch then.

Meanwhile with Akio she leaves a police precinct in flames and destruction as she licks the blood off her lips. A single police officer crawling from the flames with a leg missing struggles in pain as he approaches a remaining police car. Akio picks the man up by the hair saying: you guys are no fun, your the forth precinct today and I still haven't even come close to warming up.

She then bit into the mans neck like a vampire and pulled out his throat as he struggled in fear. Akio then picks up the police car and throws it into the burning building causing another explosion. She wanders off too find the next precinct to quench her thirst for blood and battle.

Rion meanwhile in a government agency has his subordinates make sure to make all the deaths and destruction disappear from every news source and all public view. Rion: she's a fiery one, I think she's ready to tutor my nieces. They can use the help to gain stronger. Y/N turning into a child is a big bump in the plan, we both need him back to his ugly teenage self for the plan to work.

I'm sure Akio can motivate him enough to turn back or finally kill him and set us back a couple months or even years depending on how strong Ryuko and Satsuki are at this point. Don't worry I'm sure Y/N will be fine, he's the type of idiot to power up when his emotions are affected. Ketsu trapped in a container behind Rion was listening to the Rions words. Ketsu: help.

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