A monsters threaded heart

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Ryuko and Satsuki got up from each of their individual craters in the ground dazed but still able to fight. Ryuko: she's really strong dammit. Satsuki: she might be as strong as Rion maybe stronger. Ryuko: then we have to get past this obstacle if we're going to take him down.

The two sisters charge at G/N together as they synchronized their every movements focusing on nearly perfect team work to overcome this wall of power and speed. G/N: impress you two know each other's fighting style so well there's no lag in this teamwork.

You can definitely close the gaps between stronger and faster opponents like this but I'm afraid you two will need more strength individually to over come this Rion from what you've told me about him. G/N then catches both their attacks with one hand and with the force of one kick sent both sisters flying downwards into the ground causing even bigger craters around them. Ryuko (tired): worlds strongest old lady.

Satsuki (panting): we still have a long way to go it seems. G/N: you two are both excellent fighting prodigies, but you both lack balance within yourselves. Ryuko your too open and improvisational, Satsuki you on the other hand are too tense and spend too much time on planning. Both of you working together does overcome those gaps, however it won't overcome the gaps in your heart. Both of you are too afraid, too merciful, and seem to have hidden turmoil within that you need to clear before you face this Rion.

Ryuko: too merciful? I can see why Y/N thought you were strict. G/N: Y/N by no means was no fighting prodigy when I was training him, that boy is too soft. As a baby he was very small and he would always cry out at the littlest things like the wind and his mother and me worry about him. He has a strong spirit and a good heart but as a fighter he has a even longer way to go then you two combined.

Ryuko: you have been gone awhile, the Y/N I've fought with, trained with is a amazing fighter. I'm sure if he was in that state he'd amaze you. G/N: maybe, but for now we'll concentrate on you two till Y/N is back to normal. Chibi Y/N meanwhile was sitting in the living room watching cartoons. He got up from the couch and heard a phone ringing inside the house. Chibi Y/N approached the telephone and picked it up. Chibi Y/N: hello, this is Y/N.

Akio: Y/N, you sound different. Chibi Y/N: who is this? Satsuki-nee and Ryuko are busy training so please call back later. Akio: wait a second! It's Akio! Remember me! Chibi Y/N: thought for a second and then remembered. Chibi Y/N: my classmate from school! Akio: yes that's right. You see Y/N I want to play a game, you like games don't you. Chibi Y/N shook his head and said yes. Akio: good then this game is a secret so don't tell anyone, it's hide and seek ok. Chibi Y/N: I love hide and seek!

Akio: I bet you do, so I'm going to hide and you seek, and here is a hint I'm outside of the mansion so hurry up and come find me. Chibi Y/N: ok! He then hung up the phone and ran to the door heading outside. Chibi Y/N left the front gates of the mansion and began his search. He used his super senses and got closer and closer till he was abit further from the house. Chibi Y/N found Akios scent in a bush so he jumped saying: I found you! No response. Chibi Y/N went past the bush and saw a leather jacket in the bush.

He was confused. Suddenly Chibi Y/N was grabbed from behind and picked up. Akio tied his arms and legs up using special life fiber rope made by Rion. Chibi Y/N: I remember you now! Your the bully lady! Your mean!!! He then stuck his tongue out at her. Akio began pinching both his little cheeks: oh your so cute like this, I want to see your little terrified face. Rion said I get to babysit you for a little bit so I'm sure seeing Ryuko's fear and pain when she comes to save you only to beaten to a bloody pulp will be absolutely delicious.

Chibi Y/N: delicious? Fear and pain is not delicious you stupid. Akio: no I don't mean it like that you stupid kid. I meant it in a sadistic and sexual way. Chibi Y/N: what's a sadistic and sexual mean? Akio: did your mother ever teach you about the birds and the bees. Chibi Y/N: what does birds and bees have to do with this? Are you planning on hurting birds and bees!?! Akio frustrated in the conversation: oh my god, fine I'll explain it to you.

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