The last fibers of life part 1

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Y/N and Ryuko are tag teaming the king of life fibers but struggling the keep up the pace. They both have become incredibly strong but they were seemingly doing very little against this monster. They could barley put a dent in him while he was tossing them around and hurting them faster then they could heal.

He was toying with them and he kept growing stronger and stronger making the gap between them even wider.

Y/N and Ryuko tried using all their strength but their stamina wasn't infinite and they felt themselves getting slower and weaker as each second passed. It was as if the king of life fibers was feeding on their energy and will.

Y/N exploded in flames swinging a uppercut blast of flames so hot it melted the ground around everyone leveling the already destroyed city killing allot of the infected around them.


The beam of flames exploded through the king of life fibers and into the sky and out into space.

The brilliant blue and red flame could be seen from all over.

The burning landscape, red skies and ruins of the city with lava spurting from the ground looked like hell.

Y/N panted struggling to breathe as his hand looked charred from his own attack.

Ryuko then took that opportunity to dive into the king of life fibers chest and she created spikes onto Senketsu's armor which then popped out impaling the inside of the king of life fibers at every single point.

Ryuko then flew through his insides and head while spinning at high speeds while her arms transformed into blades slicing away at everything around her.


Ryuko then even faster with all her force transformed both her gauntlets into one massive hand cannon/blaster and fired a blast of all her and Senketsus energy into the lava beneath them causing a massive explosion of lava erupting.

Y/N then with his charred arm ran at full speed jumping into the air and being caught by Ryuko in midair as the two hold hands Y/N's flames and life fibers wrap around Ryuko's life fibers wrapping the two fists and creating one massive flaming Demonic life fiber demon fist that fired a beam of their combined strengths at full force.


The blast was so powerful that Satsuki, Akio, Nana and Izumi used Rion as a shield so they weren't caught in the blast.

Rion took the blast head on off guard But he survived with one arm and half his head intact and the rest of his body was riddled with holes and bleeding.

Y/N smiled looking to Ryuko right next to him.

The two of them then collapsed falling on their backs exhausted gasping for air.

Ryuko: That'll teach that son of a b**ch

Y/N: Which one?

Ryuko: Rion.

Y/N: I wish we could have used this finisher fully on him, I bet it could have killed him.

Ryuko: We can only do this once but we hit two birds with the same stone so at the very least their both damaged.

Ryuko: have faith in our friends they'll kill Rion with the damage he's taken.

Y/N: your right, but how do we deal with this guy.

Ryuko: can you move?

Y/N: nope you?

Ryuko: Nope and Senketsu is out of energy.

Senketsu: and your running low on blood Ryuko your at your limit.

Y/N: How the hell did Rion think he could take this guy on and win?!

Ryuko: he has to be hiding something he wouldn't have gotten into this fight knowing he stood no chance he probably has some plan.

Y/N: So our options are trust Rion or die?

Ryuko: We could kill Rion with our friends and make out before the world ends.

Y/N: that's so very tempting but I really like living and I promised my mom I'd take care of my sister.

Ryuko jokingly: I promised my sister I'd get into less fights.

Y/N blushed: I also do want to get married someday and have a job and kids and get old and other stuff so I'm not ready to die yet.

Ryuko blushed: Good point, I want to all those things too. There's allot to do before we die and I want to do allot of things with you.

Senketsu: I want to do allot of things like be ironed more, transform into more unique and stylish fashion choices!

Ryuko and Y/N smiling: I want to have more fun with our friends!

The two grunt and get up watching as the king of life fibers digs himself out of the crater in the ground healing and putting himself back together like nothing had happened at all.

Ryuko holds Y/N hand: Lets cut the BS strand of fate and have some fun!

Y/N: Yeah!

The two then focused their energy once again extending their hands.

Ryuko and Y/N: WE GOT THIS!

Ryuko and Y/N: I love you.

They closed their eyes and rested their foreheads on each other.

Then their held hands transformed once again into the giant flaming demonic life fiber fist.

The king of life fibers emerged from his hole laughing.



The blast this time was even bigger then the last one shaking the entire planet and hitting the life fiber tower as well as the king of life fibers.

When the smoke cleared Ryuko and Y/N were on the ground both missing an arm.

Ryuko was bleeding out and quickly Y/N extended his arm and used his lifer fibers to make Ryuko a new arm out of his blood, magic, and flames.

Y/N used everything he had left to save Ryukos arm and give her a blood transfusion so she wouldn't die.

Y/N had used up everything he had collapsing and was losing consciousness while he focused on Ryukos.

Ryukos new arm glowed with Y/Ns flames before it integrated with Ryukos life fibers and Senkestu.


Y/N weakly: I'll be fine. Just save her senketsu.

Y/N then lost consciousness.

Ryuko then began to scream in pain as her new arm began to connect to her human dna and bonded with her.

The king of life fibers then stomped down on the two.

Luckily for the two teens Rion held back the King of life fibers foot smiling.


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