Sewn into a trap! part 3

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Y/N stopping the scissor blade with his human hand doesn't even flinch and with his life fiber hand he slaps the demon across the face sending her flying through the sky horizontally. Satsuki: he's gotten stronger. As the dust clears everyone sees this is Y/N transformed back into his older self but he was different.

His horns and grown bigger and were more noticeable, his tail had seemed more armored and on his back where his wing scar had been were white anti life fiber marks. He had lost weight, become taller and had more muscle tone. His hair was longer and his pupils were dark.

Ryuko immediately blushed noticing Y/N was naked. Mako (hallelujah): WHOA! SO SMALL! Y/N YOUR SAUSGE IS STILL SMALL WAS IT ALWAYS LIKE THIS ITS LIKE IT BARLEY GREW!. Ryuko blushed even more covering her eyes. Suddenly a group of thunderclouds formed Y/N's head and they began a rainstorm with lighting and thunder around his head as he hung his head down depressed. Mako: Ryuko did you know it was this small? Can Y/N satisfy your needs?

Can anyone we see the clouds over his heads (Akio and Satsuki nodded confused as to how those had appeared) Don't worry Gammagoori also has a— (she was cut of by Ryuko and Gammagoori both of which were embarrassed: Mako please stop! Satsuki: we all need some clothes. As Y/N turned he saw everyone was naked and shocked that he had returned. Due to the fight with the demon everyone's clothes had been destroyed during the process of fighting it.

All the girls blushed except Satsuki and they all tried to cover themselves with their hands. blush appeared on Y/N's cheeks and then he turned and saw Ryuko naked. Ryuko didn't care at this point as she still had tears in her eyes she ran and fully hugged Y/N naked. Ryuko: I missed you. Y/N didn't respond with words but Ryuko felt something and she blushed moving back. Mako: Whoa! Ryuko his thing is growing super big now! Whoa now it's bigger then Gamagoori's!

Is it because he's part demon or is it because of the life fibers or both. Looks like    you'll have fun in bed Ryuko! The clouds over Y/N's head then dissipated and sun began to shine on him. Ryuko already blushing turned around and so did everyone else who was naked after seeing Y/N's sausage. Ryuko: Y/N are you there I don't know if you can hear me but we're both naked right now. Y/N still blushing but not responsive slowly approached Ryuko and hugged her from behind.

Ryuko face turned red as she thought this was for something else saying: WAIT I'm not emotionally prepared for this, I don't want my first time to be in a beach with all my friends and Akio watching. Y/N: I missed you too. He then gave her a kiss on the cheek and stopped hugging her. Ryuko felt her heart melt as she was speechless. Y/N then grabbed one of her arms and twirled her like people do in a salsa dance.

Ryuko was confused but she saw that Y/N had moved her out of the way from danger because if she was in the same spot she would have been shot by the demons life fiber spike that hit the sand where she was standing. A spotlight lit on the two teens and salsa music began to play as Y/N and Ryuko expertly danced dodging all of the demons attacks as she had charged them and was constantly missing.

Y/N then swung Ryuko back and caught her with one arm on her back as she was close to the ground for a big finish to the dance as he held her Ryuko could feel a flame of excitement lit in her heart as the demon who had charged them again ended up flying over them. Ryuko didn't even notice her or her own embarrassment as she stared into Y/N's eyes as their faces were close together. (Their position was Like the image below)

 (Their position was Like the image below)

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