A new thread part 1

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Both Ryuko and Satsuki had nightmares on the people in the caves and and of their uncle. Ryuko and Satsuki dreamt of wandering and climbing through piles of dead bodies as children and rivers of blood running from their mother and uncle.

Ryuko tripped and her older sister helped her up both girls ran and saw a their father stand between the monsters and them. They killed him quickly and caught up to the two siblings, then both of them were captured and separated calling to the other in fear as they were dragged in the black of the abyss.

Both girls woke up startled and immediately looked around. Two two of them were in two hospital beds in the same room. Ryuko: what the hell happened? She tired to stand up and almost fell over but she grabbed the side of the bed with her remaining strength.

Satsuki: I don't know, Ryuko are you ok? Ryuko: I feel like a truck ran me over, but I feel my strength returning slowly. Where's Y/N?! Satsuki: I don't know we have to find him. She also tries to get up but falls and Ryuko grabs her and the two sisters help each other get up. Ryuko: are you ok sis.

Satsuki: I've been worse. Both sister leaned on the other and walked through the door. They were stopped by many doctors and nurses telling them they need to rest. Both sisters: WHERES Y/N?! The head doctor broke out the crowd and approached the two sisters speaking to them in private.

Head doc: Satsuki it's been awhile since I saw you, I was hoping I wouldn't have to after Ryagos death. Ryuko: who is this guy? Satsuki: one of the top doctors in the world he was blackmailed and threatened by Ryago for years and years if he didn't help her in her cause so often he would be the one to keep me alive after Ryagos training sessions and motherly visits.

Ryuko: so you know where Y/N is?! Head doc: yes but I didn't want to share his condition with anyone for his own safety. He's alive but just barley for now and he's lost his right arm. Satsuki: can you save him? Head doc: I've seen my fair share of mystery as a doctor but that boys body is on a whole other level. His body is trying to heal itself and kill itself at the same time it's as if his body is in a constant state of war at itself.

The life fibers inside him are just adding to the chaos inside of him, at this rate I don't know if there's anything we can do. He's fighting of the life fibers inside of him from taking over and whatever else he is from taking over, I don't know if his body can endure that kinda of pressure and pain. Ryuko: what can we do to save him, I saved him once by giving him my blood.

Head doc: yes we can try that, but the only other option I see is for you two to try healing him with your life fibers. Satsuki: what do you mean our life fibers, I don't have any? Head doc: Satsuki when you two were brought here in a panic I may add, we found you two already healing in life fiber suits, when we tried to take them off they hid inside of your bodies.

Who did this? Satsuki then explained their revelation about their uncle and how strong he was. Head doc: oh lord almighty please protect us from these monsters, how can there be another one and how did she hide her own brother from everyone.

Ryuko: that doesn't matter we have to save Y/N! senketsu no longer feeling sick: Ryuko please you need rest. Satsuki who suddenly heard senkestus voice put her arm on her sisters shoulder and said: he's right Ryuko you need rest. Ryuko: you can hear him?! Senketsu: she can hear me?! Satsuki: oddly enough yes, so I've been fused with the life fibers as well.

Ryuko: senketsu where are you I'm not wearing you right now so where are you talking from and you should be the one resting don't push yourself for my sake. Senketsu: I've merged with you in a way I didn't think possible look at your arm, as for my health I'm feeling much better now that we are no longer next to that bastard.

Ryuko looked at her arm and saw a senkestu looking tattoo. Satsuki then looked at her arm and saw one that looked like junketsu. It didn't talk but she could feel it's emotions. The two girls didn't have time to think about this as they rushed to Y/N's room to help him.

When they arrived they saw the operating table full of demonic scales and skin and they saw his charred demon skin with his body having multiple holes in it and his missing arm. Head doc: we did our best to close most of his wounds and we even discovered this boy has multiple hearts but his body isn't healing enough for him to survive.

Satsuki: the life fibers Rion infected him with, maybe we can use our own life fibers and override the ones inside of him to heal the rest of him without trying to take over. Ryuko: is that possible?! Senkestu: yes but it will be painful and is a extremely difficult process even more then the last time you two merged. Both sisters: do it.

Then both life fibers senkestu and junketsu created life fiber tendrils that wrapped around Y/N's body. The two girls felt his all of his emotions, all of his pain, and then they saw all of his memories in a flash. Senkestu voice echoed: we can't help you two from the inside of there so be careful!

The two of them entered a different dimension no longer in the hospital. They were in a field of flowers on a planet that definitely wasn't earth and they saw Y/N there in a stream nearby as they ran their they saw he was in his human form but he had life fiber threads extruding from his body and connecting into the ground and everywhere around them like roots of a tree.

As the two stepped into the stream they saw two beings fighting. One was Y/N's demon form attacking his other life fiber form. Both Y/N's were near death but their fight continued as they bled into the stream. They were fighting for control of Y/N. Ryuko: there fight is destroying his body. Satsuki: more then that his soul. Ryuko: we have to stop them before they kill themselves. Satsuki: it's one fight after another.

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