Wrapped into a ball of crime part 3!

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Y/N, Akio, Nana and Ryuko all stood outside the abandoned hospital looking at the decaying rusty building with hesitation. Nana: I can sense allot of demons in there. Ryuko: great. Satsuki any luck inside with the sewers. There was static when Satsuki responded.

Satsuki: I believe so but there's a shocking site down here. Satsuki and the two grandmothers saw various multicolored fungus, vines, bacteria that were definitely not of human or earth origin. G/N: this fungus is infused with demon blood, Life fibers and various alien Dna. Satsuki: these have been here awhile growing and infecting the cities water supply for who knows how long.

Chie: they're using dark magic to mask this fungus and bacteria in the water and it's effects. They can turn on the effects like a detonator to a bombs trigger, if the whole city has been exposed to this there's no idea what it could do to the people or the city. As the three continued through the sewer they got closer to the hospital underground seeing more and more fungus at even more severe and mutated levels.

G/N: their creating a mutagen to continuously evolve and grow. They've made something even more dangerous then the life fibers. Ryuko: so this proves that some lab or something suspicious is going on in there right? Satsuki: yes wait for my mark before you guys enter. Suddenly the fungus on the walls grew their own tendrils and roots attacking everyone in the sewers and closing the sewers on both sides with walls of the fungus.

Ryuko gets the static and panic: Satsuki!!! What's going on! Satsuki: it's attacking us, Ryuko don't go ins— (Satsuki was stabbed by a tendril in the shoulder and the fungus continued to grow trapping the three in small square as the fungus continued to grow closing the walls around them) satsuki: DAMMIT! (She pulled the tendril out of her shoulder with a scream and felt dizzy as the two grandmothers began punching holes in the fungus.

Suddenly a black magic circle appeared under them. Chie and G/N: A demon portal!? SATSUKI GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!! suddenly the portal opened dragging the three into the demon world. The four on the surface listening to everything panicked not knowing if they should enter the hospital as the last thing they heard were the two grandmothers and Satsuki saying: DON'T ENTER THE BUILDING ABORT THE MISSION!

Ryuko: Satsuki?! SIS?! SIS COME IN ARE YOU THERE! SIS!?!?!? Nana: Ryuko they can handle themselves we'll go in continue the mission and get them out. My grandmother and Y/N's have been into that dimension before we've heard the stories they've escaped that place before. Ryuko: let's make this quick then we go in get the hostages, find any clues to Rion and beat up any idiots goons in there and get out.

Then we go help sis and your grandmothers. Y/N: don't worry we got this. Ryuko shook her head and the four of them entered the building. Akio: there has to be a hidden door or fake wall to a lab or bunker where they're doing all their crap. Ryuko: Y/N are you sensing anything? Y/N on edge: demons everywhere they're blocking out any noise of heartbeats or any thing I could sense of a secret lab. Ryuko: it has to be deep underground to be able to stop your senses from picking it up.

Akio holding a fallen off hospital guide stand: the stairs are across the hall down the main corridor. Nana: the demons they've most likely set traps everywhere be extremely careful. Akio and Y/N: got it. As everyone walked through the hallway looking at the many doorless rooms with old rusty medical chairs with hand and leg restraints. As the walked the hallway seemed to grow longer and longer until they all stopped.

Ryuko: this hallways is stretching with us just like in a horror movie. Nana: I definitely sense dark magic. Ryuko: can you break this somehow. Nana: I don't think I can there has to be another way out. Akio: it could be one of these rooms is the way out. Nana: it could be or these rooms could be more traps. Y/N: so we go in together so we don't end up like stupid horror movie characters. Ryuko: ok someone pick a room and stay close to each other. Akio: which room looks the less haunted and trap like.

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