Y/N use all your heart!

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Y/N: Ryuko I'm sorry ...

Your all my world.

Satsuki I'm sorry for all the trouble.

Granny protect them,



and Ryuko I love you.

I'm sorry.

G/N was crying: You stupid grandson don't do this or I'll beat sense into you!

Ryuko crying: Y/N I love you too, don't you dare go anywhere!

Nana crying: It's not your destiny to die here!

Akio crying: I won't let you die you dumbass!

Y/N smiled: save my sister.

Goodbye everyone.


Everything felt cold and foggy and before and after that moment in the battle with that monster.

Y/N had flashes of a little girl someone familiar.

Y/N: OW OW OW!!!! Stupid wizards and their stupid magic!

?: Y/N did you bring a souvenir?

Y/N hands a magic wand: Here but make sure not to tell mom.

?: Does it work?

Y/N: No idea. AHHHH!!!!

Y/N became a rabbit and woke up across town in someone's hat.

Y/N confused: Ta Da?

The crowd and the magician: AHHHH A TALKING RABBIT!!!!

Y/N later changed back and walked through his front door wearing a magicians hat and cape.

The young girl was having a hard time not trying to laugh: You look so stupid.

Y/N surprised: What! I think it suits me! Be careful with that wand alright.

?: About that.

She displays the broken in half wand.

Y/N: How?!

?: I dropped it.

Y/N: This isn't your phone S/N! This is a magic wand! Please work.

Y/N grabs the wand and tries to use it but only a flickering light appears before the wand blows up in Y/N's face and hand.

Y/N later lay in his bed while bandaging his hand from the splinters.

As he was lying there his sister S/N ran in jumping on the bed and Y/N's stomach in an instant crushing him.


Male reader x ryuko Matoi (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now