Torn apart part 6

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Y/N had been impaled to the stone barrier behind him but was still fighting until the man in the cloak revealed several life fiber tendrils coming from his back and they all began to pierce Y/N through out his body impaling his entire body to the wall.

Satsuki took this as her moment to jump in a help in anyway but the creatures from the caves were all around her and blocking her way she had no choice but put them all down.

Y/N was pinned completely and the man with cloak grabbed the handle of the sword and began to rev up the trigger as the electricity began to shock Y/N. Cloaked man: your a tough one being able to take this much punishment and survive. You were amusing to play with and for that I'll reward you. The tendrils that Pierced Y/N were infecting Y/N's body making him weaker and weakening ketsu. Cloaked man: Ketsu?

What a vile and ugly name for such a drab and horrendous strand of hybrid garbage. Your uncle was just as big a idiot as you and your father. Creating this unstable hybrid life fiber creature to what? Be a weapon against Ryago? If she was still here she would have laughed, she had such a beautiful laugh just like the rest of her.

It sickens me just to look at it but, somewhere in there is a teeny tiny piece of what I need to make the life fibers better and clothe humanity such as Ryago wished. Ketsu was forced into one region of Y/N's body his right demonic arm. Then with great force the man in the cloak ripped off Y/N's arm taking ketsu inside of it with him.

Y/N screamed in pain before losing consciousness again. Cloaked man: don't die on me yet my boy. I'm going to give you purpose, unlike your father and uncle. Sorry about the arm though it will remain a trophy proof of your heroism for all to behold. Now for your reward. The man in the cloaks tendrils began entering Y/N's demonic body again but this time they glowed fusing with him.

They stitched themselves inside of him forming something else as a life fiber shell or cocoon encased Y/N. The man in the cloak: oh and Y/N don't worry I'm sure your mother is far more beautiful then you are with less diluted blood. Your sister on the other hand she's just like you a piece of trash that will need to be fixed up. Their deaths will help build a better clothed world thanks to you.

The cocoon then exploded with flames as a enormous fire ball swallowed the entire valley like a nuclear bomb dropping the blast radius stretched far with Satsuki getting caught in it damaging her exo suit and burning/melting through allot of her armor but she survived mostly unharmed with a couple burn marks. The creatures around satsuki didn't survive all of them were burned to ash.

Satsuki quickly tore of the melted and burned pieces of the suit which would slow her down or harm her. The man in the cloak stopped smiling as a drop of blood hit the ground. Y/N had blasted his way out of the cocoon with fire before the man in the cloaks life fibers fully took control of his body. Y/N stood there with his other hands knuckles bleeding.

The man in the cloak: you maggot I could have saved your life, I could have made you a beautiful warrior a true hero with true power and given you a new hand. You rejected all that and choose to hurt me!!! A piece of filth making me bleed, I'll make sure your family suffers in eternal torture as I rip them apart and sew them together again!!!!!! Y/N: got you.

Y/N then collapsed falling unconscious. The man in cloak touched the right side of his face which had been burned and bleeding from the last attack. The man in the cloak ripped of the flesh of his face with a scream as his life fibers wrapped around the damaged area and began to form a new face.

He looked down at Y/N and the pool of blood he was in as more and more blood was leaving his body. He kneeled next to Y/N and picked him up by the hair and threw him straight at Satsuki. Satsuki caught Y/N's body in shock and horror at the damage he had taken and his missing right arm. The man in the cloak: the Kiryuin sisters have finally arrived I've been wanting to meet you two in person for awhile, I'm not going to pretended I didn't see you Ryuko. Ryuko stood behind the man in the cloak with both her hands clenched.

Ryuko: IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!! Ryuko then tried to transform into senketsu but the man in the cloak laughed saying: and you'll do that how little one by forcing your kaumi to transform when both it and you can barley move. Ryuko charged the man in the hood with her scissors while satsuki who set Y/N down charged with her blade but the man caught both of them with both his hands and held them in place.

Cloaked man: I've waited for this moment for so long. Then with a quick motion he shattered both Satsukis sword and Ryuko's scissors to pieces. He then flicked the both of them with his fingers sending each one flying back and down on the ground. Both sisters couldn't get up with satsuki's suit completely destroyed now and Ryuko having taken far to much damage and losing too much blood already.

The man in the cloak: you know I never approved of your father, and yet Ryago married him. She could have had billions of idiots like him easily and she did. But she had so much she wished for, so much she hoped to accomplish, she was a goddess. Then you hell spawns of that garbage your mother married took her away from me.

You two monsters stole away my Ryago! I would love to kill the both of you here but I can't, if I did I'd have no one left. Your all the family I have left and with you two I can create the perfect world where ugly things such as yourselves and that boy never exist. I can fix you two and make you two truly beautiful. We'll bring back my beloved sister and your dear mother in this new world and she'll be my queen.

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