Stitching hearts part 5

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Chibi Y/N awoke in a beautiful field with many beautiful cherry blossom trees and flowers of all sorts around him. As the little Y/N got up and looked around he saw two strange looking trees in the center that looked to be tied together by their roots into the ground they stand on.

Chibi Y/N approached the two trees one looking like it was made out of silk red and black life fibers. The other tree looked more alien and strange with all sorts of conformities, spikes, tears and cracks. The roots connecting the two trees and providing life to this entire area seemed to be a mix of them with a blue glow to them.

The roots seemed to stretch over the entire area of land connecting to every tree, flower and living thing in this place. Chibi Y/N followed the roots to a stream or more like a lake with the most beautiful flowing water he had ever seen. He looked in the distance and saw himself, his older self standing in the middle of the lake with the roots from the two trees connecting him to everything.

Chibi Y/N jumped into the water and slowly doggy paddled his way to his bigger self. Once he got there he saw that his bigger self was surrounded by bright glowing neon blue flames which didn't seem to be burning him or generating any heat. He swam closer and nothing happened. Chibi Y/N: why won't you come back Ryuko and satsuki-nee need you. Your supposed to be me!

Why won't you come out! They need you not me! Why did you make me!?!!! The older Y/N didn't respond not even a flinch. Chibi Y/N (crying): I'm afraid! I don't want to lose any more. Ryuko, satsuki-nee, mom, Sis, grandma, Senkestu, ketsu! I cant protect them! I'm not strong enough! I'm not smart enough! I'm not brave enough! I don't know what to do. Older Y/N: I feel the same. Chibi Y/N wiping away his tears: you can hear me?

Older Y/N began to tear off his roots connecting his body to the world they were in. Chibi Y/N: no stop! You can't you'll die! Older Y/N: everyone dies, and it's not time for me to die yet. I'm just like you, I'm afraid, I'm neither strong or smart enough and I have no idea what to do. I do know that we both love and believe in Ryuko. We aren't alone we've never been alone but we keep push ourselves to hide who we are what we are.

No more, we are human but we're also allot of other things, we've been pushing the other stuff away. Wether human, demon, alien, or just plain strange it doesn't change who Y/N is and we shouldn't hide it. The older Y/N became pure blue flames and began to fade away but he left a lone blue spark in the Chibi Y/N's hands. Chibi Y/N held it with his two different arms and poured his feelings into it as the flames grew.

Chibi Y/N approached the two trees once again and let the spark burn both trees and all the roots in this world. This dream world was covered in blue flames now burning everything away. Chibi Y/N stayed their till everything had been burnt to nothingness. Right where he had started the blaze with the lone blue spark was a small seed made from both trees and protected in a small blue flame aura around it. Chibi Y/N then ate the fiery tree seed and burped blue and red flames.

Chibi Y/N: Am I a tree now? Then the dream world began to change now become like earth. Y/N looked around it was his school? He looked forward saw Ryuko in her sailor uniform smiling and calling his name. Y/N smiled back and ran to her with a hug, a white light enveloped them and Chibi Y/N woke up on the couch with Ryuko sleeping next to him. Chibi Y/N: that was a weird dream.

Chibi Y/N got up and tucked Ryuko in with the blanket and then wandered to find satsuki. As he found out where she was using his super human senses he saw her in the backyard and approached when suddenly a silenced gun shot went off and satsuki dodged a sniper bullet and yelled at her secret attacker. Chibi Y/N hid his presence and watched/listened to their conversation.

Akio was working with Rion and she was no longer human?! Chibi Y/N then walked into the backyard and approached satsuki who was not aware he had been listening in. She picked the little guy up and said: hey let's get you and Ryuko ready for the party that sounds fun right. Chibi Y/N agreed and saw a glimpse of a picture in satsukis hand. It was a wedding picture with a entire family from the looks of it and Y/N's uncle was right next to Rion. Chibi Y/N pretended not to notice and said nothing. He held onto satsukis hand as the two went inside to wake Ryuko.

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