Unravelling threads part 6

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Ryuko: how are you here senketsu? Senketsu: I still exist inside both you and Y/N. Ryuko: wait how? Y/N: yeah so I found out I'm part life fiber. The suit showed me its memories and I saw senketsu there as well. I think my suit was designed with parts of senketsu and that's why I could see his memories as well. It could also be why he's here.

Ryuko: so is this a memory? Y/N: sorta but it's more like a soul thing? I landed hear after I lost control. The suit showed me a memory of uncle talking to it and my uncle said both he and my mom are dying because human dna and whatever else my family genes are don't mix well. Ryuko turned to Y/N and then hugged him saying: I'm sorry.

Y/N hugged her back. Ryuko: isn't there anything we can do to save her? Y/N: I have an idea but I'll need you and senketsu for it. Y/N then began to turn and walk towards the white void. Y/N: me and senketsu talked allot, I'm not sure how time works here but he showed me allot about you and himself and my uncle.

Y/N: I'm about to do something stupid but if this works it can save my mom and you. Ryuko: wait stop what are you doing?! Y/N: I'm about to fight this thing off me and hopefully not die. Y/N's body then erupted in dark red flames and bright blue flames. His horns grew bigger and his tail, along with the rest of his body became armored and fiery as he fully transformed into a demon.

Y/N roared as his wings made of blue flame extended and he smashed through the white void. The explosion of force sent both Ryuko and senketsu flying back. Ryuko held onto senketsu trying to protect him. She then saw a void of black with monsters all around. Ryuko: what is this? Senketsu: this is ketsus pain, it's suffering.

My memories were wiped before but after I met Y/N they came back ketsu was designed to be a younger sister of sorts to me something to help you against Ryago but she was unstable and in pain because unlike me she wasn't made from only life fibers. Ryuko: shes made out of what Y/N's dna is? Senketsu: yes, and because of this her mind and body are unstable. Y/N is probably the only one who can save her.

Ryuko: wait so why is he fighting? Senketsu: he's fighting ketsus demons and clearing her mind so he can merge with her like we did. Ryuko: let's help him them! Senketsu: I was waiting for you to say that. As Y/N began tearing through demon like monster made out of ketsus threads he saw a flash of light behind him and he saw Ryuko and senketsu together as one.

Y/N and Ryuko together blew away whatever stood in their way with single punches but the monsters kept appearing and they kept getting stronger

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Y/N and Ryuko together blew away whatever stood in their way with single punches but the monsters kept appearing and they kept getting stronger. Y/N: I don't know how long I can keep this up before I lose control.

Ryuko: if you lose control I'll just smack the sense back into you. Y/N: noted you look cute in senketsu by the way. Ryuko blushed and then Y/N blushed. Senketsu: less flirting more fighting!!! Ryuko and Y/N: We're not flirting! Then they both charged fighting a onslaught of what felt like millions of enemies. Y/N and Ryuko were getting hit as well but they both persevered.

Ryuko felt as if senketsu had become more powerful even different as she transformed into several different combat modes that she had never seen before. Ryuko has created blasters out of her hands and she concentrated them into one big one firing all she had clearing the battlefield.

Y/N seeing this concentrated all his power and shot a storm of fire out from his mouth combing with Ryuko's blast and destroying all the enemies. Both Ryuko and Y/N were panting they had done this so many times they felt as if they had been fighting for years and still had no way out. Ryuko then saw Y/N was struggling to stay in control and that he would last much longer as his powers were hurting him.

Ryuko had an idea and she told Y/N: you have to lose control right now! Y/N: what are you crazy I could hurt you or senketsu. Ryuko: just do it, I think it can get us out of here and done with this. Trust me. Y/N: I trust you. Y/N then fully transformed into a demon as his whole body grew he became more muscular and his flames became even more violent. Ryuko: senketsu do you think we can merge with Y/N. Senkestu: yes but in that state you'll need to trigger a response from either the human or life fiber respond in him.

Ryuko: how do I do that?! Senketsu: the life fiber part may difficult to trigger, however the human part will be the easiest to trigger a emotional response. Ryuko: ok what do I do? She then blocks a punch from Y/N's demon form that send her flying thousands of meters back. Ryuko: damn he hits hard! Senketsu: to trigger a strong enough emotional response you'd have to kiss him. Ryuko immediately blushes saying: wait what?!

Before Ryuko can saying anything else she is surrounded by the demon creatures but they are all destroyed by Y/N's flames burning them to ash as he attacks her again at speeds which she can't match. Ryuko is sent flying back again landing on her back with a groan. Ryuko: are you serious senkestu? Senketsu: I've talked to Y/N and seen his memories. He's a good kid, definitely a suitable match for you, plus he already likes you.

Ryuko again blushing: please stop we'll talk about this later. Ryuko inner thoughts: it's just a kiss you can do this your real first kiss, don't think about that time you kissed the girl who killed your father. Ryuko transformed senketsu into his rocket form as she charged Y/N attacking him with a flurry of attacks that didn't seem to affect him.

The good thing about this was his heat wasn't affecting her or senketsu but was burning all the enemies so Ryuko knew Y/N somewhere in there was thinking about her safety. Ryuko then transformed one of her hands into a blade of life fibers and began to slice at Y/N his harden scales were making it impossible to get close to him.

Ryuko: damn it I can't get close to him. Senkestu: Ryuko I can immobilize him long enough for you to kiss him. Ryuko both blushing and clenching her teeth said: fine do it before I change my mind! Senketsu then came off of Ryuko and became a mass of threads wrapping around Y/N stopping him from moving.

Ryuko: Y/N wake up, we have to save your mom and ketsu! You have to take responsibility for what's about to happen! If you don't I'm going to smack you so hard you'll wish you were still trapped in ketsu.

Ryuko then approached Y/N and leaned in kissing him. As their face met and their lips touched Y/N's fire erupted with fury unlike any other turning white, blue and red and destroying the entire black void burning it all away. Ryuko and Y/N's hearts beat fast and suddenly they became the fire they were surrounded by. Both of them melted away as they merged.

Senketsu who's threads wrapped around the the two began to become the same fire as well. Senketsu: wondered if this was farewell to the both of them, but he believed Y/N was a man of his word and would keep his promise. Senketsu dissolved into the flames saying: Y/N protect Ryuko.

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