Stiching hearts part 1

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Ryuko woke up peacefully in her own bed to Senkestus voice. Senkestu: Ryuko your awake! What do you remember? Ryuko: I remember Y/N seeing me naked in the shower and I punched him and put him on the couch. After that I don't remember anything else, what happened?

Senkestu: well about that. Satsuki: it appears the two of you climbed the stairs of adulthood together. Ryuko blushing: wait what do you mean?! Senkestu confused: I think she is referring to the biological process of reproducing known as sex. Ryuko face turning tomato red: wait?! What!? How!?

When!? Y/N and me didn't?!?! Did we?!?! She got flustered and embarrassed thinking about what that would have been like or wondering if that even did happen. Satsuki laughing: calm down little sister that didn't happen. Ryuko angry: you scared the life out of me! Senkestu: yes what did happen was abit stranger though.

Ryuko: wait what really happened?! Satsuki: follow me. The two sister went to Satsuki's room and then saw the footage of what exactly happened and what was said each moment making Ryuko blush harder as satsuki teased her. Ryuko heart began beating faster and she felt a pain in her chest.

Y/N held himself back but what he said had the most weight. he truly cared for her allot. Satsuki: he was able to fight off temptation like that pretty well, And he kept saying nonstop how much he likes you. He's definitely a good man that I can acknowledge to be with you Ryuko. Ryuko blushing said nothing still replaying Y/N's words in her head. Ryuko ran out of the room quickly running to the bathroom shouting: I need a shower to cool my head.

Satsuki: Ryuko wait! (It was too late as Ryuko ran to the bathroom door and swung it open revealing a naked Y/N in the shower. Y/N turned and blushed as much as Ryuko seeing her in the doorway. Before Satsuki could get to the bathroom she heard the two teens scream from embarrassment. By the the time she had arrived to the bathroom Satsuki saw a naked Y/N lying face down unconscious with his tail covered in soap.

Ryuko: I didn't mean to hit him again. Satsuki: For someone who's fought allot he tends to always leave his guard open, or it could be he just leaves his guard open to you. Ryuko blushing: this is no time for teasing what do we do! Satsuki: well he's covered in soap so we might as well wash it off and put him in some clothes. Ryuko blushing even more: wait what, but that's his!?

Satsuki: Ryuko you knocked him out just wash his back and tail. I'll get him some clothes, in the meantime don't do anything improper to him. Ryuko was nervous but she watched as Satsuki left to get Y/N clothes. Ryuko began to wash Y/N's hair as she felt his scalp and how nice his hair was. She then felt the horns on his heads and how cute they were at this size. She then washed the rest of his back seeing the scars on his back where his wings used to be.

Losing his wings must have hurt, she was definitely going to pay Rion back by ripping off both his arms. She then began to wash Y/N's tail which was sensitive. Ryuko watched as Y/N squirmed as his tail was being touched. Ryuko thought of this as a way to get revenge so she began washing the tail and tickling it but by accident she made Y/N roll over onto his back and Ryuko saw something she else demon like.

Ryuko blushing quickly ran out of the bathroom her cat ears and tail also wet from the water and tried drying them. Satsuki arrived and put the change of clothes on Y/N commenting to Ryuko: I thought I told you not to do anything inappropriate Ryuko. Ryuko: he rolled over while I was playing with his tail. Satsuki: like I was saying you two should start dating soon, all this will they or won't they will just mess with your mind and heart and we need both of you focused against Rion.

Ryuko: yeah your right, it's just this pain in my chest it's... I don't know I didn't even have this kind of pain when Ryago ripped it out of my body. Satsuki: I think that feeling is called love. Senkestu: I second that, your heart other wise is perfectly healthy Ryuko. Ryuko: love huh? So much has happened in the the couple of months since I met him. I don't know if this is love, I care about him allot but we've both hurt each other indirectly because of who we are.

I don't want to see him in any more pain. Satsuki: and what would you call that besides love. Is ok take your time to think about, it's my bad for rushing you two. I see how happy he makes you so I may have meddled to much. Point is I want you to be happy, after this Rion mess I think we can both find our happiness. Ryuko smiling: I love you sis. Satsuki: I love you too. The two sisters hug and turn to groan of a dizzy Y/N on the bed.

Y/N: what happened? Satsuki: good your awake I thought maybe we could do some training. Hopefully finally get these cat ears and tail off of Ryuko.

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