Human and Suffering

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Y/N dangled there unconscious while his body was marked with symbols in blood.

All the symbols all over his body began to glow different colors floating off of him and swirling around generating electricity and sparking/hitting Y/N.

Y/N jolted back to consciousness in pain and saw a couple feet away was his beating heart in a trophy case glass container and being admired by the demon with the black gloves.

The demon sipped on a wine glass full of Y/N's blood.

Y/N: How am I still alive? Why am I still alive?

?: Because I don't want to kill you. I want you to suffer. I want you to know you don't deserve this power and watch it hurt everything you care about.

Y/N: Who are you?

?: I am many things the souls of millions of demons, millions of sinners, millions of warriors both the innocent and guilty. I am the cursed creation of the first demon king and her only heir. Call me Erity the curse among the demons.

Erity removed her cloak and gloves to reveal a girl with red stitches all over her body, black hair, no pupils and empty black void less eyes, pale white skin with purple snake like and constantly shifting veins and a red sparkly dress.

Erity: It's nice to finally meet you in the flesh Y/N. I watched the first demon king or rather queen rise and create the demon realm and then when she died I watched the numerous fakes take the mantle of king and I remained hidden not caring in the slightest. But when I saw a war for actual change happening I had a chance to have fun.

Y/N: You let yourself be captured.

Erity: The idiots believed I was a simple weak minded demon and they were even more idiotic thinking they killed me. With some magic I made it look like I was controlled by your predecessors while I controlled them. Then when the idea came to punish your grandfather I had found a new source of enjoyment in your family.

Y/N: Your psychotic.

Erity: Your family has always been through so much pain and playing with your grandmother and mother like that was fun for a long while till I got bored again so I let the old man think he finally kicked me out after all those years of toying around. However while I was observing your family and reveling in ecstasy at their suffering I noticed you child. You and your sister.

Y/N: Why take my powers?

Erity: Your strong, and you got stronger so I kept watching and I loved seeing the suffering. Who do you think ripped your memories away when you were reborn as a demon.

Y/N trying to break free: I'LL KILL YOU!

Erity: You see you have no place in any story Y/N I saw all your adventures. You inserted yourself into situations and people's lives trying to play the hero and do some good right? Your just like me, and when I realized that I found what I had not just wanted but needed for so long.

Y/N: Whats that?

Erity: A partner. You see the real demon king died I was left here with nothing. No reason to exist, no purpose, I was a doll created for what? So I tried many things and I had power but it meant nothing. I have no soul and that's the main difference between us. You still have the remains of a soul.

Y/N: You want the remains of my soul for yourself or to make me soulless like you?

Erity: Both. I also wanted your power to restart the demon realm and make it right. You did your best to fix things but generations upon generations destroyed it just like your planet earth. So I helped set this plan up with a man named Rion and even though this wasn't the original plan and lots of things changed here we are.

Y/N: You talk too much lady. Rion is going to stab you in the back first chance he gets!

Erity laughs: You little flirt, I am no lady. Anyway I'm not the one who should worry about being stabbed in the back.

Erity then kissed Y/N and the stitches on her body opened up bloody threads attacking and seeing themselves into Y/N's body while Erity dug her finger nail claws into his back and stuck her extremely long tongue down his mouth.

The two were conjoined briefly.

Y/N screamed out as Erity ripped herself free.

Y/N had the threads rip him apart and put him back together over and over.

Erity: With your powers I can handle Rion and anyone else in my way. After I do restart everything I need a toy, a pet, a partner on some level and you have sentimental value to me Y/N.

Y/N screamed as his entire body was ripped apart and put back together with the threads over and over .

Erity: Did you know that the room we're in exists out of time and space? I can control how long time passes and aging in here. Don't worry I'll keep you at this age and we'll only spend a Googolplex here. ( A googolplex is Ten raised to the power of a googol)(A googol is a ten raised to the power of 100))

Erity: Don't worry as soon as you break I'll take your memories away and then give them back and take them as many times as I need to till your ready.

Y/N couldn't respond as he was tortured endlessly the only thought he could fight for was Ryuko.

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