Torn apart part 3

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Satsuki was running through the Forrest when she made it back to the jet and see saw no one was there. Satsuki: what a reckless bunch, just like the elite four. Satsuki first got herself medical attention using the jets supplies and then armed herself to the teeth with weapons and armor that she hid in a secret compartment in the back of the jet.

Satsuki put on the armored suit that was made as a light exo suit that looked like her old Kuami but more of a full body combat suit with a white and blue helmet. Ever since Satsuki took over the Kiryuin business she formed contracts with various tech agencies and military forces all around the world to create clothing and more that could be both fashionable but also Useful to the world Incase the life fibers or something else came along.

Satsuki then took out a long case the size of her sword and opened it to reveal what looked like her sword but made with advanced tech and the rarest metals on the planet it was a white crystalline blade with a light blue line running across it throughout the blade. The sword had a trigger on its handle and was hissing with electricity. Satsuki grabbed the sword and strapped it to her back with her other sword.

Satsuki ran out of the jet and ran at high speeds liking the exo suits capabilities, she and the elite ten had study the life fibers for so long they could finally make something capable of reaching close to similar levels of power. Satsuki quickly ran through the Forrest while using her suit to call for help.

Once she got through she called the elite ten and filled them in and gave her location but before she could say more the feed was cut off. Satsuki: someone is jamming this area of the Forrest. Suddenly Satsuki heard a beep from her suit there were thermal readings. Satsuki looked around with thermal vision and saw hundreds of bodies.

Then as she approached the heat signatures she saw they were government officials who had survived the facility explosion but hurt. Satsuki approached them but they began to laugh saying: Satsuki Kiryuin, you are a traitor on lady ryago's will we will make you suffer the greatest pain! Suddenly all the people had thread tendrils pop out of their bodies ready to fight.

Satsuki: I suspected as much, I'll destroy every last ounce of that monsters will with my own! Satsuki raises her new sword and revs the trigger and the swords sparks as it heats up and shoots electricity in every direction. Satsuki swung the sword with great force and a electric explosion occurred electrocuting everyone in front of her.

She then ran straight forward and began slicing and dicing through all the enemies. Her sword and suit worked in conjecture as she smashed everyone into the ground or into trees and topping it with a electric double tap. More and more of them were emerging from the woodwork and satsuki continued her onslaught with annoyance.

Meanwhile Y/N was busy with a blade stuck in his chest as he was lifted up by the woman that had attacked him. Creature: your blood is of use to us but your life is not. Y/N: at least a part of me is useful. He then pulls out the blade and slashes the woman's face with it. She lets him go for a quick enough second for Aikuro and Tsumugu to empty all their remains ammo into her.

She stumbled back with the storm of bullets but remained standing. Y/N then threw a punch sending the creature back onto a tree. Y/N: sorry I don't have time to play a creepy version of 21 questions, so I'll save us time and beat the crap out of you. Y/N charged again this time with his stealth suit tearing around the arms and legs as those parts of his body transformed into their demonic state.

He sent a flurry of attacks punching the creature through multiple trees and then with a final kick he sent her flying hundreds of yards through the sky. Then Y/N's wings broke out of the back of his tactical suit along with his tail. Tsumugu raises his gun at Y/N. Y/N: yeah sorry I forgot to fill you guys in but the point is I'm on your side so help me find Ryuko and leave or I can knock you out and carry you to the jet.

Tsumugu still with his gun raised: what the hell are you. Aikuro: I'm sure you have your reasons for hiding this so we'll save the questions for later. Tsumugu: I need a cigarette. Y/N: your freaked out over wings and a tail but not surprised over a dude with glowing nipples and junk seriously I don't have time for this.

Y/N: let's find Ryuko. Suddenly a chain of explosions occurred all around the Forrest and a large Forrest fire was created. Y/N and the two nudist beach members ran through the Forrest and ran into Satsuki standing over a piles of government official bodies. Satsuki: thank god you three are ok, all of them are Ryagos puppets their after me and Ryuko, where is she?

Y/N: I thought she was with you. Where should we look. Satsuki: whoever blasted us out of the sky caused this Forrest fire they are our only lead. Y/N: whoever that is they're bad news but I think I can win. Satsuki: you probably have the best chance, here take this (she throws Y/N her brand new sword) I'll search for Ryuko with these two you buys us time and if you can rip this bastards head from their shoulders. Y/N grabbed the sword and Rev it up seeing the electricity spark off it. Y/N: Thanks, I'll give him a good beating.

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