Unravelling threads part 2

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Y/N woke up to the sound of his alarm and groggily he got up and went to the bathroom. He was was in his face when he looked in the mirror and saw a demon in the mirror and he jumped back. It was his reflection, but demonic looking. Y/N blinked and his reflection returned to normal. He thought he was seeing things so he ignored it and went downstairs for breakfast.

Y/N's mother cooked a full breakfast which Y/N ate happily as he kissed his mom on the cheek as she left with his sister to drop her off and go to work. Y/N packed his backpack and realized his suit was destroyed so if anything were to happen he wouldn't be able to do much. Y/N was considering going down the stairs again but then he heard a loud crash coming from the basement and quickly headed down there anyway.

Nothing looked damaged or had fallen but then the sound came again. Something was making that loud banging noise from under the stairs. Y/N opened the compartment and saw that the noise was coming from the trunk. The suit was trying to break out as if it knew Y/N was considering putting it on. Y/N wondered if this was because of Ryuko's visit.

He put his hands on the latch's and suddenly the banging stopped. Y/N opened the case. The suit didn't move but it felt different. Y/N then reached his arm out remembering all that Ryuko said about life fibers and senketsu. Y/N: I know your in pain, I want to help you please let me try.

You could feel Ryuko in the room yesterday that's why you awoke after so long right? At the mention of Ryuko the suit used life fiber tendrils and stabbed Y/N with several tendrils in the chest, four over each arm and over each leg. Y/N screamed in pain as blood poured from all the stab wounds. The tendrils then began to burn and Y/N felt the life fibers go beyond his muscles and bones they were burning him.

Y/N unable to move could only scream in pain as he felt the life fiber tendrils turning all his veins black and spreading through him. The rest of the suit began to unravel and the thread began to wrap around all over Y/N's body cutting his skin as it sewed itself into his skin slowly. Y/N was coughing up blood and bleeding from his nose and eyes.

He couldn't move all he could feel was the pain and all his senses dulled till all I could hear was the suit screaming in pain. The suit echoed the name Ryuko and Y/N screamed: stop let me help you please, my uncle didn't want you to suffer! Suddenly Y/N saw through the suits eyes.

He saw a memory and then a flash of memories of the suit being made and stitched and Y/N's uncle talking to it in a language Y/N had never heard. Y/N felt the memories moving to fast and transitioning to fast as if there were hundreds of thousands of them. Suddenly Y/N felt a massive shock in the head and things began to change.

Things slowed down and his whole body became numb and he saw one particular memory. The memory of Y/N's uncle talking to the suit in English. Uncle: I want you to know I'm dying, my sister is dying slowly. Human and the mix of alien in me are very incompatible, we are slowly dying but luckily we had the technology to make sure this didn't affect the children.

My sister is strong she has allot of time left and hopefully with matoi's technology we can extended that time as much as possible. But it's to late for me at the stage I'm currently at. I created you not to be a weapon but to be a friend for the kids, protect them and help guide them so they can live happy lives.

I don't know if you can hear me or understand me ketsu but I want you to be happy too. Please do your best and when the time comes explain all this to the kids. The memory then began to fade and Y/N only saw darkness. He found himself in a pool of black water alone and he fell to his knees crying.

Disease? Mom is sick? Y/N tears began to stream down his face and he could feel the suits sadness it felt sad and angry and unstable. The suit was losing control transforming Y/N's body to its monster state and Y/N felt himself lose control of his emotions and start to transform into his demon form.

Y/N screamed losing control as his body transformed and the suit covered all of him except his face. Y/N felt cold and then fell his body still changing while he lay in the pool of his own blood. The suit was crying it was calling for help now. Y/N cried saying: mom, sis, Ryuko I'm sorry.

At the mention of Ryuko's name again the suit showed a flash of memories of senketsu from its point of view and a particular memory when the two suits life fibers were connected and some sort of bond was formed. Then Y/N saw a flash of senketsus memories.

Then he saw pitch black again the name Ryuko booming over and over. The voice of Y/N's uncle then called to him but it sounded different. The voice said Ryuko protect Ryuko. The voice then appeared as a red and black sailor uniform. Y/N: senketsu? Senketsu: protect Ryuko don't die here!!! Ketsu release him!!!

The sailor uniform transformed into black and red threads and then energy and wrapped around Y/N. In reality Y/N began to rise from his own pool of blood screaming, his suit was freaking out and its grip was loosening and it was unable to keep Y/N trapped. Y/N screamed as his body began to heat up generating more heat and hardening his skin underneath the suit.

Y/N's body lit on fire briefly as he pulled the suit off and it pulled some of his demon like scales off with him with his skin as well. Y/N body began to gush more blood as he pulled the suit off completely and collapsed. The suit reformed itself and lay there in the blood seemingly staring at Y/N before wrapping around his body and forming a thread life fiber cocoon. The suit said: help.

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