Where are we now.

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Y/N sat in the bath blushing and remembering all the things he did that night.

He knows it wasn't a dream but he was so embarrassed and he could tell Ryuko was too. He assumed that everyone felt as awkward as him and was not sure where they stood relationship wise.

Was this a harem?

Was this love?

Is this fair?

Is it right?

If he had to choose, who would he have to choose?

Y/N sat there feeling conflicted. He needed his memories, the way he was now he knew he would just be hurting them by not being honest with his feelings. He needed to remember who he was.

After the bath Y/N found G/N.

G/N: You want to restore your memories?

Y/N: Yes!

G/N: It'll take some time, we'll need to go to the demon realm and see your grandfather. Give me a week and we'll go alright.

Y/N: Ok!

Meanwhile Ryuko was helping Satsuki plan her wedding while talking about what happened.

Satsuki: I know you love him Ryuko, but do you think you can or should share Y/N?

Ryuko: I don't know.

Ryuko: I haven't been able to talk to him properly since. We've all been avoiding him.

Satsuki sighed: You two need to talk, maybe all of you need to talk. Be honest with yourself, allow yourself to be happy. Regardless of whatever you choose to do, I'm here for you and I'll support the decision.

Ryuko hugged her sister.

Satsuki smiled: I never thought I'd be the one telling you this, I never even thought I'd have the life I have now. I'm blessed to be this happy.

Meanwhile Y/N visited his home. He sat around and touched the walls.

He had flashes of past especially the clearest one being when he would walk into the basement and open a chest with a suit in it.

Y/N walked into the basement opening a closet and seeing a trunk.

He opened it and saw multiple little trinkets/souvenirs he had seemingly gathered over the years.

They felt familiar.

He looked at them and back at the trunk.

He found a family photo album.

He saw pictures of his family.

At that moment Y/N had a massive headache and his nose began bleeding wildly.

The pain in his brain got worse the more he stared at the pictures.

The Lady and Man holding a younger Y/N were his parents.

He flipped through more pictures feeling the pain increase as he began screaming in anguish.

He saw a picture of his uncle. A picture of his uncle with a scientist with Senketsu and another outfit in the background.

Y/N screamed throwing up blood but he went back to the album looking at the pictures of him and his mother and father.

Then his eyes widened as he turned the page and saw a picture of a little Y/N holding a baby with his mother in a hospital bed and his father next to him.

The baby girl in his arms was his sister.

Y/N fell back feeling his brain splitting apart. His sister? He had a father? He had a mother? He had a uncle?

He felt flashes of watching his mother die.

He saw his fathers gravestone.

Y/N screamed out in pain his pupils disappearing as his claws grew out and his body began to reveal more of his demonic form.

Y/N slammed his claws into the side of his head letting the blood drip out.

He began squeezing his own head as tight as possible as his pupils reappeared but strained and red.

Tears began dripping from his eyes.

He screamed in pain, his body convulsing.

He saw more pictures and then he saw a picture of his whole family.

He through the album at the wall confused in pain.

He began throwing everything in the trunk away in every direction in pain.

Y/N began to kneel in a pool of his own blood clawing at his own head trying to keep his mind together.

Y/N then saw a flash of white light

He was frozen in place: Ketsu help

Y/N then fell back collapsing and bleeding as he repeated those words over and over till he lost consciousness.

Male reader x ryuko Matoi (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now