Stitching hearts part 4

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As the two sisters shower chibi Y/N who was in the bathtub playing with the rubber ducky and eating a bar of soap to figure out the taste

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As the two sisters shower chibi Y/N who was in the bathtub playing with the rubber ducky and eating a bar of soap to figure out the taste. Ryuko: this is embarrassing showering with Y/N. Satsuki:relax in this form he has the mindset, innocence and nativity of a child. Ryuko: he was already 2 of those things before he transformed. Satsuki: so he's not innocent, how far have you two gotten when I'm not around or has he dated before. I thought he was a virgin.

Ryuko blushing: no that's not what I meant?! He hasn't, he's a virgin and we haven't done anything like that. Satsuki: you've kissed and almost reached a certain stage early when you were in heat though. Ryuko: he had no choice and that doesn't count! He does have the mindset and nativity of a child tho, now it's just amplified, that's not a bad thing though I like that side of him.

Satsuki: aw that's cute, make sure to tell him that when he returns to normal. Ryuko turns to the bathtub and sees Y/N choking on an entire bar of soap and drowning in the bathtub. Ryuko panics and quickly gets him out of the tub and gets the soap out of his mouth. Ryuko: your recklessness hasn't changed. Chibi Y/N: yup!soap tastes weird though. Ryuko: I bet it does.

You done playing? Chibi Y/N: not yet, I'm the kraken and the ducky is a duck monster that I have to fight to save the world. Ryuko: is that so, how about you let me and satsuki play ok. Satsuki is the duck monsters boss and to beat both of them and save the world we have to splash both of them as much as possible. Chibi Y/N: For the world! They then both proceed to splash waves of water out of the tub and at satsuki who gets soaked in water.

Satsuki poorly acting: oh no I've been defeated, how will I ever take over the world with my rubber duck monster now. Ryuko's inner thoughts: Sis your such a bad actor. Chibi Y/N: YAY! We saved the world! Ryuko: ok little guy let's get you cleaned now, and please forgive me if you remember this later. Confused chibi Y/N:? The three then finished the bath and began to dry their hair.

Satsuki: so what do we try next to turn Y/N back

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Satsuki: so what do we try next to turn Y/N back. Ryuko: well senketsu has no idea how and junketsu never speaks. There's no one we can go to for this. Satsuki: so we just wait and see if he turns back. Ryuko: pretty much. Satsuki: he may be stuck like this forever you know.

Ryuko: I don't think he is, mine wore off after awhile so maybe his is the same. Satsuki: your wore off because Y/N filled some of your desires. Ryuko blushing: that's terrible phrasing but I think if we can fill in whatever it is that's troubling his mind we can bring him back. The two then spent the rest of the day playing, shopping for clothes for all three of them, watching movies and having fun. The party was soon and they had everything set up.

Chibi Y/N was asleep with Ryuko on the couch in his dog onesie they had bought him. Satsuki put a blanket over the two and decided to do some image training by herself. Ryuko woke up for a second only to hug the little guy and fall asleep again.

As Satsuki was meditating she reacted dodging a sniper shot. Satsuki: so you must be akio, I'm warning you only once, get out of here now! If you want to fight fine give me a time and place after the new year, or at the very least have the guts to attack me head on. Whatever it is you want I don't care but if you dare attack me or any of my allies now I will obliterate you.

Akio laughs then says: fine, I was just delivering a Christmas present she throws a small present which Satsuki catches. Once I'm done with you I'll make your sister and her boyfriend suffer over and over till they call your name cursing you for being so weak dying to my hands easily.

Satsuki: your a overconfident bitch alright, Ryuko was right. Don't worry I'm sure I'll be able to get you medical help for those delusions. Akio then runs off leaving Satsuki with the present. Satsuki: she's not human either. Rion you've been busy. Satsuki takes the present and opens it finding a picture of her father, mother, brother and other people she doesn't know.

She recognizes one of the other faces thanks to Ryuko showing her another picture of the man. Y/N's uncle is in the group photo. On the back of the picture is a message from Rion. Hey my favorite niece! Merry Christmas and happy new year I hope the three of you are getting stronger because you'll need to be way stronger for what coming. One day real soon we'll take one of these pictures at Ryuko's and Y/N's wedding with me and your mother as well. Love your favorite uncle Rion.

Satsuki: I don't know what game your playing at but we will stop you son of a bitch. Ryagos evil ends with you! Satsuki felt her hands shake, then they stopped. Satsuki clenched her fists and looked inside seeing Ryuko and Y/N sleeping. She smiled and felt stronger, she was never alone that's the difference between her and Ryago and Rion and that's what will defeat him.

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