Torn apart part 1

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Y/N ran through the facility making sure to knock out anyone in his way quickly and quietly as he headed straight for Satsuki's position at the server room. Once he got there Y/N walked in and greeted Satsuki asking if she was done.

Satsuki: yes they have more files and secrets here on life fibers then I ever could have imagined, something big is going on here. Y/N: that's good let's meet Ryuko at the jet and get out of here I can sense someone we don't want to throw hands with. Satsuki: Ryuko is currently heading back to pick us up we just have to make it to the exit. Satsuki removes the hard drive she had plugged into the database and they both ran to find a exit while fighting their way out.

Satsuki has found her warrior spirit again taking out people with both grace and agility but still having remnants of the destructive power she once had. As the two made it to the exit they saw Ryuko flying by over head when suddenly a explosive shot blasted Ryuko out of the sky in a fire ball. Y/N and Satsuki: Ryuko!!!!

Y/N quickly ran with all his speed and jumped to catch Ryuko and he did as they both landed on a car in the parking lot destroying its windshield and entire front half with pure force. Ryuko: I'm alright, who was that and what did they hit me with? Y/N: oww broken glass. I have no idea but if you can sense what I'm sensing this person is bad news.

Ryuko: I can feel his presence but not a exact location. As the two got up they saw the entire facility start blowing up from different sectors. Ryuko: that's not us. Y/N: crap. Suddenly Satsuki's yells could be heard in the distance as she battled soldiers who had been leaving the building. She took whatever guns had ammo and ran over to her sister and Y/N. Satsuki: we have to go now!

Ryuko formed her senketsu shippu and carried the other two as they flew back to the jet but suddenly two more of the blasts from earlier came at them. Senkestu: Ryuko two more incoming! Y/N: Satsuki I could use your help.

Y/N then extended his free arm and satsuki extended her hand holding the sword and with great force the two of them swung the blade slicing whatever was being shot at them but also a large chunk of the building behind them. Satsuki: excellent. Y/N: ok that was close. Ryuko who was flying at full speed said we're almost there senkestu you feeling better.

Senketsu:.... Y/N: you ok I don't know if you can get sick. Ryuko: you ok partner? Senketsu:.... (starts coughing) Satsuki: what's wrong? Ryuko: Senkestu what's wrong?! You've never coughed before are you ok?! Senketsu began to cough louder and louder and blood began to drip from his threads as he said: help.

Ryuko panicking and worried: Senkestu! Suddenly her jet form stopped and Ryuko felt light headed and weak before they even fall they were hit with five shots of whatever took her down earlier creating a enormous explosion in the air. Ryuko woke up with blurry vision bleeding from cuts and gashes all over. Senkestu was bleeding and coughing somehow he felt sick and Ryuko could feel it.

Ryuko felt weaker as well hanging on to a tree branch to stand up she called worriedly for Y/N and Satsuki. Satsuki woke up in a tree which she at the last moment stabbed her sword into so she would hit the ground. Her arm was broken from the act of stopping her fall and she had cuts and burns. Her stealth suit had first aid supplies so she carefully applied them and jumped down.

Then at another tree she snapped her shoulder back in place with a scream of pain. Her arm was still broken but it'd do for now. She used her sword as a temporary cane and called out for her sister and Y/N. Meanwhile with Y/N he awoke in a pond bleeding from his side. He was hit directly but since he used his skin hardening as a shield he tried to take the brunt of the blast.

Y/N got up and splashed water on his face, he looked at his wound and saw a small piece of metal impaling him. He quickly grabbed it and pulled it out with a scream of pain. Y/N fell to his knees in pain but then stopped to see his right arm still transforming and glowing red as he heard ketsus voice.

Ketsu: Run. Y/N felt ketsu's immense fear, she was beyond terrified. Y/N couldn't move as his entire body was shaking. With his unsteady body Y/N got out of the pond and tried to fight through the paralyzing fear that was slowing him down. Y/N: Ketsu you woke up at the wrong possible time. Y/N then stabbed himself with the shrapnel he removed earlier so the pain would distract him from the fear and let him move. He kept the shrapnel in hand as he moved through the Forrest calling for the two sisters.

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