Sewn bonds part 1

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*2 and a half months later* Y/N is sitting in class bored. Winter break was a couple days away, crime was down recently and there had been no sign of the evil bastard who took his arm for awhile. Y/N asked to go to the bathroom and once there he took off the super long gloves that went all the way up his arm like gauntlets.

After removing the gloves he looked at the black and red life fiber arm he had since he woke up from his fight with Rion. His arm began to hurt and he felt dizzy as he quickly grabbed the bathroom sink so he wouldn't fall from pain. The arm was a creation from all three life senketsu, junketsu, and Rions.

But underneath the life fiber was a prosthetic arm made from the alien metals from Y/N's trophies/momentous from allot of his adventurous as a hero and the best and most expensive tech thanks to Satsuki's help. The prosthetic tech arm served as a sort of skeleton under all the life fiber threads which formed its own muscles and skin. This new arm had both its pros and cons.

The pros being the arm could regenerate very quickly and could transform into various weapons or tools for Y/N to use from a sonic/energy blaster to a life fiber blade hand to a long stretching life fiber grappling hook and much more.

The cons of the hand was that it hurt to use, it took allot getting use to and it was a pain in the neck to hide. Ever since he woke up Y/N's demon and life fiber powers seem to have gone dormant, he still had his increased senses and still had his tail, but he could no longer use or even feel his other powers except through his new arm.

Y/N had felt weaker now unable to rely on his powers so after awhile he had decided he wouldn't rely on his bloodlines powers so he began training as a human. He wouldn't try to rely on his new arm either, instead he focused on these new blue and red flames he was now able to control. And when he fought crime he tried to hold back on using any powers to push himself which forced him into more dangerous situations, with more damage, suit damage and a building temper. Y/N felt even more lost then before the only thing he knew for certain now was how he felt about Ryuko.

Y/N trained intensely sparring with Ryuko and Satsuki both of them in their kamuis while Y/N wore a weighted training suit and could not use his new arm at all. In 2 months he pushed himself farther then he had ever done before but Y/N still hadn't overcome the pain, the anger, the powerlessness and fear he had after that fight he had. His arm would react differently at random times, and flare up with pain.

At night he would have nightmares of ketsu screaming for help and being tortured. Y/N was doing his best to keep himself together, but he was broken inside. After he woke up from the fight he had discovered that Rion took all the files they were after and the hard drive with the copy they made.

Ryuko was broken as well she remained distant for the past 2 months only seeing Y/N during school and training sessions. Ryuko after seeing those people in the cave had nightmares every night which satsuki would tend to trying to assure her sister everything was ok and calm her down.

Satsuki often slept in the same bed with her sister after she saw it helped Ryuko sleep, she was afraid to be alone. Senkestu tried his best to help Ryuko but he wasn't sure what he could do. Ryuko continued trying to fight the feeling of the pain of those people but everyday she's feel it again and again and it was consuming her.

Ryuko was also trapped in her feeling for Y/N. She had kissed him twice, in what was essentially his soul or mind scape, however both times when he woke up he had no memory of what happened in there. The both of them wanted to talk to each other but they both were scared and nervous not want to hurt the other.

Satsuki saw this and tried to help both recover, both of them were kids who had been through their fair share of trauma and felt empty. The training sessions were the only place where both of them began to heal, Ryuko would always overpower Y/N and he would start to joke around and they'd continue.

During one training session where Y/N held his own with both sisters with just his human arm, he collapsed not out of exhaustion but out of fear and emotion after a relatively hard day at school. Y/N began to cry no longer taking the pain in his heart, and Ryuko ran over to Y/N hugging him and crying with him, the two just stayed there holding on to each other and Satsuki comforted them both with the promise they'll do what's right and get justice for those people and bring back ketsu.

Ryuko: we'll become stronger together. Y/N's tail wagged excitedly as he still held Ryuko in his arms while crying. She smiled taking that as a yes. Y/N: we can fight our demons together. Ryuko: we'll beat the ever living crap out of them and then that bastard.

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