Y/N threads danger part 2

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Y/N: we're going to be late. Ryuko: yeah. Akio: who cares anyway. Y/N and Ryuko: I do. Akio: you two are so lame. Y/N: my mom would kill me if I skip. Ryuko: Satsuki would kill me. Akio: well I don't have anyone to kill me over school. Y/N and Ryuko: sorry. Ryuko: don't worry I'll kill you, even for school if you want. Akio: (sarcastically) thanks. Come on have some fun and relax you two. Y/N: it's hard relaxing when we're tied to chairs in a gang warehouse.

Ryuko: why couldn't we have done this on a weekend. Akio: because the idiot that took over my fathers crime empire will be here today. Ryuko: your plan is to take back a crime empire and somehow turn it into what a good group of gangsters? Akio: something like that, still a business with drugs and loan sharks and all that but less killing and political garbage. Plus it's the only lead we have to find Rion right now.

Ryuko: (sarcastically) so how does this magnificent plan work? Akio: well since we've already been captured we wait for the new idiot boss and then break our ropes beat the crap out of him and take over. Y/N: maybe we should have thought this out more. Akio: nah it's fine. Suddenly the lights turned on and a door was opened as a man with gold and silver gauntlets, boots and a armored motorcycle helmet with a silk white suit walked in. Ryuko: hi how are you doing.

Y/N: we're here on behalf of our school to sell chocolate bars for charity, how many would you like? Akio: so your the scum that thought you could take what was mine. Y/N: oh come on Akio we were in the middle of a skit. The man in the white suit turned to Y/N and grabbed him by the throat picking him up with the chair. Y/N choking: Ok not my best bit. Y/N broke through his restraints and kicked the man in the white suit through a wall.

Ryuko and Akio then broke through their ropes and got up. Ryuko: that was surprisingly easy. Akio: I told you — (she was blasted out of the building) Y/N: you ok?! Akio: yeah! Y/N: ok! Ryuko ran through the hole in the wall transforming with Senkestu.

Ryuko: bring it gold and silver

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Ryuko: bring it gold and silver. Y/N ran through the hole in the wall and began to fight off the thugs who were shooting at him. Y/N began punching them around and dodging bullets at super speeds as he even touched the bullets in slow motion moving them away from hitting the other thugs.

Y/N then at super speeds sent all the men flying through the warehouse with super fast punches. Ryuko charged the man in the white suit dodging his attacks but when she hit him she bounced off as a orange energy blast of force launched her back. Ryuko: nice trick. The man in the white suit said nothing as his entire suit began to glow with bright orange veins of energy flowing through him.

With one punch he shot out a massive amount of orange energy destroying the ground as the entire warehouse began to cave into the ground on top of its self. Y/N: oh that's bad. Y/N ran grabbing any thugs still in the warehouse and kicking them through a skylight. Ryuko who was in a clash with the white suited man got blasted in the stomach but she handled the blast as she punched the man in the suit back in the face throwing him through a pillar.

Ryuko looked at her hand which stung from the energy he was emitting. Senkestu: he has a force field that redirects kinetic energy Ryuko, Ryuko: I'll just have to hit him so hard his stupid shield breaks. Y/N then at super speeds grabbed Ryuko princess carrying her as he ran and jumped through a window. The two then tumbled forward where Akio was taking all the unconscious thugs and placing them away from the crumbling building.

Akio: sup. Ryuko: you could have helped you know. Akio: you had it handled. Ryuko: damn right I did. Y/N you should have let me beat that guy into the ground. Y/N: sorry I got worried and panicked. Ryuko blushed at Y/N saying he was worried about her as Senkestu tried to redirect her attention to the massive energy building up under the building. Suddenly a wave of orange energy erupted out of the building throwing everyone back. Ryuko ran to the building only to find no trace of the man in the white suit.

Y/N: welp looks like I'm at my limit for today. (POOF) a explosion of smoke and Y/N had returned to his Chibi form. Chibi Y/N: did we win? Akio: sorta little guy. Matoi let him get away. Ryuko: damn it there goes our lead. Akio: and one of my warehouses. Ryuko: how many more do you have? Akio: I don't remember but it was definitely allot. Ryuko: great this is going to take awhile.

Chibi Y/N just now realizing he's wearing over sized clothes: can we go home and change? Ryuko: no time we're going to be late for school. Akio: I guess I'll see you two later then. Chibi Y/N: but Akio you promised me and Izumi neechan that you'd show up to school from now on.

Akio: sighed in defeat. Ryuko: this is going to be a pain in the ass. Akio: how about we stop at a store and get Y/N some clothes appropriate for his age. Ryuko and Akio has devilish smiles on their faces thinking of what kind of cute outfits to grab while Chibi Y/N tried to run away in horror but tripped on his oversized clothes.

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