Finding Y/N

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Ryuko flew across the dimension as fast as she could searching with Hoshi alongside her.

Hoshi: You said Y/N was taken by something?

Ryuko: I don't know what yet, but whatever it is it's powerful.

Hoshi: A brat like Y/N wouldn't be beaten, whoever took him had to use advanced magic to trap him. They're hiding him well, I can't sense his magic.

Senketsu: Ryuko I think I can track the smell of his blood.

Ryuko: You can do that?!

Senketsu: Yes but the trail is weak.

Ryuko looked to Hoshi: Let's go.

Hoshi: What about your friends?

Ryuko: We don't have time to go back and get them.

Hoshi: Alright but we have to be careful. Let's go save Y/N.

Ryuko steeled herself and the two flew to Y/N's location.

Y/N smiles sensing Ryuko getting closer.

He struggled to move and looked across the room to see the heart that Erity had ripped out of his chest. It was beating slowly.

He stared at it intensely. The heart then began to beat faster and faster till a fiery pentagram appeared on it.

Suddenly the heart exploded out of its container in blue flames. The flames shot out and hit Y/N in the chest forming a chain. The chain made of flames then pulled the heart back into Y/N's chest.

Y/N's other eye then became pitch black as did his veins as his skin became dark purple.

He screamed out. His shadow behind him started to transform into something horrendous.

Y/N clenched both fists and his teeth as something pulled itself out of Y/N. His shadow disappeared and instead a blue and black flame pulled itself out of Y/N.

The flames formed the same exact shape of Y/N but larger and larger. It was about 8 feet tall and muscular. The flames became skin.

It was Y/N but he was taller, older, stronger. His hair and eyes were silver, he was smirking.

This other Y/N looked around and moved his fingers.

Y/N: What the?

Y/N then had his neck broken with a single punch from this taller version of himself.

?: So where are the red letters introducing me?

He healed his shorter counterpart.

?: So if the small guy was Chibi Y/N, your normal Y/N, then what does that make me?

Y/N: Evil Y/N?

?: Evil? Come on I hate Rion as much as you. I love Ryuko as much as you.

Y/N: Do you hate Erity as much as me?

?: Of course I do, but before I do anything I need a name. N/Y? Nah that's weird. I'm my own person so I don't need to use your name. Maybe a normal name? Todd? Zach? Jerry? Randy?

Y/N sarcastic: Yeah randy sounds about right.

?: How about Ketsu Yosh.

Y/N: Yosh?

Yosh: Yeah I think it fits.

Y/N: Alright Yosh can you free me?

Yosh: Sure.

Y/N's restraints shattered and he fell to the ground coughing.

He then looked to a mirror to his right and saw his dark purple dry skin and his grey hair. He looked exactly like himself when he died in the battle against the king of life fibers.

Yosh: Your dying again.

Y/N: And you have all my powers.

Yosh: Not just your powers.

Y/N: So your the darkness that Erity was talking about?

Yosh: Yup.

Y/N: We've died before let's not pull the hero dies and comes back over and over cliche.

Yosh: Your right. I'll heal you and then you can go home with our friends. I'll handle Erity and then Rion.

Y/N: Wait what? No.

Yosh healed Y/N and then with a single punch to the gut knocked him out.

Erity walked in on the scene.

Yosh: So you were watching.

Erity: Yes I was. How will you handle me Yosh?

Yosh grinned turning to her.

Message from author: Sorry about the late updates. With the school season and other stuff I'm busy again I have two papers due this week in fact and they're stressful but this story is getting closer and closer to the end look forward to it 👍

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