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Yosh look at Erity and walked to the shorter demon girl in front of him.

Yosh: Let's make a deal.

Erity: And why would I do that?

Yosh: Because your dying.

Erity: How do you know that?!

Yosh: Please Y/N could tell from the beginning. You wanted our powers to sustain yourself. Living millions of years with just magic isn't possible you've been feeding on life to stay alive. But the real question is why?

Erity: I have my reasons.

Yosh: Do you? You mentioned being the heir of the first demon king. You ruled from the shadows and tormented my family but what is it all for? Then when you mentioned Rion I realized what you want. You want to bring her back, the first demon king, your mother.

Erity flinched: Yes that's right.

Yosh: Listen your not like Rion, you have reason. She's gone and wouldn't want you to bring her back.

Erity: You say that like you knew her. I've seen through your mind boy. You lost many, wouldn't you do anything to bring them back?

Yosh: Yes.

Erity: My mother is my sole purpose for living. Her death stopped everything.

Yosh: Everything?

Erity: The first demon king had a plan to combine realms, one unified reality with peace and better societies that would all work together to be better. She broke the barrier between realms and negotiated with thousands of planets all over the universe, and it was going well. Harmony and peace between all life was within her reach as she led the efforts with her heart and words.

Yosh: What happened?

Erity: Humans happened. They saw that they were nothing among the universe and the human kings at the time went to multiple alien leaders and proposed taking the demon realm and its resources for themselves. They pretended to be peaceful for years, stealing and gathering weapons and technology. Then the discovery of a new powerful life form was made.

Yosh: The life fibers.

Erity: Yes. There were wars to see who could get the most of them to develop weapons and technology while the life fibers pretended to be dormant and non sentient. Humans got their hands on them and they attacked the demon realm. They went to war claiming demons as evil and soulless. Other planets soon followed earths lead. Hundreds sided with us demons and thousands sided with earthlings.

Yosh: So the demon king died during the war?

Erity: Yes at the very end. There were trillions dead and the war had raged on for so long. My mother and her troops destroyed all the known life fibers on earth and the solar system as well as reclaiming technology. Earthlings had lost the blood filled war and my mother was still merciful while her court wanted to wipe out humanity and claim the planet. The court worked with some humans they controlled and caught her off guard.

Yosh saw Erity's face.

Yosh: It's not your fault.

Erity: When I was born my mother was weak from childbirth and that's when another invasion happened. This time humans and my mothers court attacked together. She died protecting me as my father killed her.

Yosh: Your father was a human.

Erity: Yes and just like you I separated from my human self to become something better.

Yosh: What happened to your human half?

Erity: I tried my best to kill her but she escaped. It doesn't matter anymore.

Nana's grandmother Chie walked through a portal to the demon realm.

Nana: Grandma!

Chie hugged her granddaughter and looked at her friend G/N.

G/N saw the look in Chie's eyes.

Chie: Nana I love you and I'm proud of the woman you've become.

Nana: I love you too, but where is this coming from all of a sudden.

Chie's hands shook as she held her granddaughter.

Chie: I have to tell you something Nana. I have to tell you the truth. The prophecy it's all come true. Everything about it has come true a war is coming and I won't be there to help. This enemy that has Y/N is my other half.

Nana: I don't understand , what are you saying?

Nana then noticed a blue fire symbol glowing on her right hand.

Chie: My final gift to you. When you use it you will be unstoppable, remember I will always be with you.

Nana began to tea up realizing this was a goodbye.

Nana: No you can't. Please!

Chie holds her granddaughter: Be strong Nana, we'll meet again one day. This mark is not just my power it's the power of my mother and hers before her. The power to win this war. You are the best grandchild anyone could have asked for.

G/N looks at her friend and holds her hand.

G/N we'll go together.

Chie: You have to tell Y/N.

Nana: G/N your dying too?!

G/N: Yes dear. Everything Chie said is the same thing I feel for both you and Y/N. My time has come as well but before I go I need to see my husband.

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