Sewn bond part 5

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The two continued to fight the giant two headed creature but were finding this one harder to fight as it threw Y/N at Ryuko sending the two landing into another store. Y/N looked to see his face and hand on Ryuko's Chest he blushed furiously and got off her while Ryuko who was also blushing tried not to look him in the eyes.

Both stood their in silence awkwardly while Y/N noticed they were in a underwear shop. He blushed again ready to leave when the two headed creature charged through the glass entrance punching Y/N to the back of the store. Ryuko got up grabbing Y/N's sword slashing at the creature. Senketsu: this creature is unstable, the life fibers are unstable and mindless.

Ryuko try to stay focused on the creature not Y/N. Ryuko: don't say it so loudly Y/N will hear you! Senkestu: I'm pretty sure he didn't. Y/N ran punching the creature in the chest saying: what didn't I hear? My ears are still ringing from that last punch. Ryuko then kicked the creature in the face slashing with the sword down its middle.

Ryuko: nothing forget it. Y/N: we need to finish this quickly. Y/N charged punching with his life fiber hand which transformed into a life fiber blade stabbing into the creatures now harden skin. Y/N then had his life fiber hand transform into spikes stabbing the creatures insides impaling it on the spot as his prosthetic arm underneath began to heat up and electrocuted the beast while also freezing it in a bubble of time.

Ryuko: whoa what's that. Y/N then blasted a green energy beam out of his prosthetic arm blowing off the monsters top half still in the time bubble and then with his right hand using flames shouted: incinerate! The explosion of flames popped the time bubble and Y/N shouted: Ryuko now!

Ryuko then with one hand began at high speeds cutting the monster to pieces and then with one arm blaster fired at the remaining pieces while Y/N used his flames again to burn it to nothing. After they had stopped Y/N sat down watching as his life fibers began to grow wrapping around his prosthetic arm and reforming his life fiber hand. Ryuko: those were some new moves.

Y/N: thanks they were from all the alien tech I've gathered over the years, a time stopping aliens tech, a witch's magic blades, a crazy gun from the future, a psychic robots body, a cursed dragon blade that belonged to a guy from another dimension.

I took a bunch of that stuff and melted it down or incorporated their elements into this arm, and I made it compatible with life fibers sorta like a android or cyborg arm where they have fake muscles and skin over their endoskeleton I saw it in a old movie once. Ryuko also sitting down: you have allot of stories to tell me.

Y/N: what about Satsuki shouldn't we help her? Ryuko: trust me she's got this she's faced way worse. Y/N: I mean my stories are super long so maybe another time for now let's get out of here. Suddenly the phone on the register began to ring. Y/N: damn it, that bastard how is he doing this.

Y/N picked up the phone saying: Ryan's clothing barn, this is Ryan speaking. Rion: funny aren't you put me on speaker please. Y/N: sir you may have the wrong number, I think you meant to speak with someone else. Hold on a second I'll call the police for you. Rion: if you don't put this on speaker my hostage here will die. Y/N: I hate you so much you know that.

Rion: I know, now the speaker please. Y/N sighed putting it on speaker. Rion: hello my second favorite niece. Ryuko: go to hell. Rion: and that's why your not my favorite, your lack your sisters discipline and grace. For example your little friend here Mako, she's annoying to deal with.

Ryuko: Mako!!! Mako (hallelujah could be heard through the phone): don't worry Ryuko I'm fine I can take this rainbow weirdo! He looks like your mom but even creeper and he's weird wearing a cloak on top of a suit. He's trying to enter your life but don't let him!

He's just trying to use you two, he's probably a dead beat uncle who left to eat cigarettes and never came back! Ryuko and Y/N trying not to laugh and staying angry at Rion. Rion slapping tape on makos mouth while she continued to talk while muffled. Anyway as I was saying I just want to wish you two a merry Christmas and happy new year early.

This is the first one I can spend with you three so expect something great after New Years. Soon your mothers dream will come true and we can all sit together at a dinner table celebrating. I'm sure it'll be discussing your wedding with Y/N. Y/N: you bastard I'm going to pay you back for that arm you took! Ryuko: and I'm going to take your legs and head!

Rion: teenagers these days are so violent and ugly, Y/N I only took your arm for ketsu and as a little heart to heart man to man. I see you haven't learned, how is the new arm by the way? Y/N's arm began to tingle with pain again. Y/N: your tracking me with it aren't you? Rion: no I would never do a such thing. I'm tracing you with ketsus remains life fiber threads in you.

Ketsus a sort of gps that helps me locate you wherever you are all I have to do is force myself into her mind. She's trying to protect you, she's quit fond of you often screaming for you too save her. Y/N shuddered at that, remembering the nightmares of ketsu he had.

Rion: I'll wrap this up, enjoy the time you two have together and get much stronger. From the fight I just witnessed you two have grown allot stronger in such a short time but it's nowhere near enough to handle what's coming, I had to make these life fiber creatures much weaker for you two. Don't worry though I'll send more and more till you two are ready so be read that'll be the perfect Christmas present and to even the odds I'll give Mako here her own present.

Rion then shot multiple life fiber tendrils into makos back as she screamed transforming into a life fiber monster. Rion: good luck Ryuko I hope Mako makes it. Ryuko: where are you!!! Suddenly a explosion was heard across the mall and makos hallelujah music but this time it sounded deeper and monstrous. Rion: anyway that's my cue to leave bye you two, send my love to Satsuki.

(He hangs up) Y/N: we have to save mako. Ryuko: once we save her, we'll search the city for Rion. Y/N: agreed, you think Makos ok. Ryuko smiled: Rions a idiot for underestimating Mako she's one of the strongest people I know. They both then saw Satsuki and Mako flying through the air their clashes destroying everything around them while a metallic version of hallelujah played. Satsuki: Mako control yourself! Mako repeatedly said sorry in a rapid fire manner as she attacked in a even more rapid speed.

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