Thread carefully part 3

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Y/N ran to the door but Ryuko's new found speed and power had her there before him in a single instance. Ryuko slashes at Y/N ripping his clothes to ribbons till he was left in his boxers. Ryuko then pounced Y/N once again pinning him with even more strength.

Y/N: Ryuko I like you allot, more then anybody I know but we can't do this. We're not dating and we're not old enough. Your not even in control so we shouldn't do anything while your not aware of what's going on. Please stop, I don't want to fight and hurt you. Ryuko then leaned in giving Y/N in another passionate oxygen consuming kiss. Ryuko then began to slash her own clothes off till she was in her underwear.

Y/N out of breath: Senkestu a little help man. Senkestu: I'm currently fighting for control but her feelings are two strong currently. You need to incapacitate her emotionally. I suggest you do what she wants. Y/N: do what she wants are you crazy!!! Senkestu: from what I know sex is just a process to produce another human being.

If you and Ryuko have a child it would add to our numbers against Rion. Y/N: goddamn man there's allot more to that your not thinking about, there's many many reasons why this shouldn't happen! Ryuko then leaned in for another kiss this time longer and longer.

As Y/N felt Ryuko's tongue enter the inside of his mouth and allot of the oxygen was leaving his body he decided to try one last thing. Y/N caressed Ryuko feeling her hair and shoulders and then with his human hand began to itch and poke at Ryuko's cat ears. Ryuko stopped the kiss to moan from because her ears which were one of her weak spots along with her tail which Y/N had grabbed with his other hand.

Y/N: Ryuko forgive me, you can kill me for this later. He then raised his head to Ryuko's cat ear and began blowing air into it and whispering into it. Ryuko couldn't handle it and began to moan louder falling back on the floor as Y/N took this opening to his advantage. Y/N continued his cat ear assault and with his other hand began stroking Ryuko's very sensitive tail.

Ryuko as time went on was unable to fight back as her weakness were exposed. Senkestu: this works too keep it up Y/N! Y/N whispering: you need to teach Senkestu allot of things. After Y/N began to intensify all his attacks Ryuko began to moan louder and louder till she eventually fell asleep from it all. Y/N embarrassed: I thought today would be fun and cute but this was way more then my heart could take.

Senkestu you have control right now right? Senkestu: yes but I am still unable to undo this cat girl form. Luckily if Ryuko goes into heat again you know how to stop her. Y/N facepalms: now I realize why Neko girls should stick to being in anime. Y/N then picked up Ryuko on his shoulders took her to her room and put clothes on her awkwardly.

He then sat next to her bed unsure of what to do now. Y/N: we kissed. (The realization finally hit him the poor fools brain was melting from the thought, it was as if a dream come true) Y/N: I need to become stronger, I won't let Rion or any other bad guy make Ryuko cry like that ever again. He looked at his new life fiber hand and clenched it.

Y/N: Senkestu do you think Ryuko might be able to undo this transformation once she's awake. Senkestu: yes but we've tried that, I think there must be some trigger to turn this form off. It bears great strength and speed as you have witnessed but it's definitely hard to control.

Y/N: control is hard for people you know, I'm pretty sure you saw me having a hard time controlling myself a second ago. Anyway I have to take a shower but since I don't want just use one without asking Ryuko and since she's asleep I'm going home. Senkestu: In boxers? Y/N: it's better then going home naked besides If I move fast enough no one will notice me, I used to do this all the time as a kid. Later Senkestu.

As Y/N left Ryuko's room and was about to leave through the front door it opened with a spotlight on Satsuki in the doorway and her theme music playing. Satsuki: guessing from your appearance I might be a aunt now. She pulls out her sword from literally nowhere. Y/N panicking nervously: No nothing like that happened! I swear!

Ryuko attacked me and slashed my clothes off! Satsuki: that's it, and you did what exactly? Y/N: I um knocked her out in the fight. Satsuki: impressive. Just to be clear I'll give you a head start to eat home but if I found out you and Ryuko did anything more then what you claim, well you'll be in trouble little boy. (She giggles) Y/N shaking in fear: yes mam.

Satsuki: good, I'm proud of you for holding back your hormones. I look forward to the actual day I become an aunt though so you two might want to start dating eventually. Y/N still shaking in fear but also now blushing: um I have to get home. Satsuki: no way am I letting you go home like that. Y/N looked down at his anime boxers which seemed to be damaged themselves.

Satsuki: take a shower and I'll provide you some clothes and check on Ryuko. Y/N wanted to say no thank you but seeing the sword next to satsuki and her very threatening smile he decided it'd be best to listen to her.

(What the poor fool didn't realize is the manor had security cameras and its own server room which Satsuki went to check as she saw footage of what really happened and even heard the audio. She both blushed and laughed at the footage thinking that it be a good way to tease the both of them.)

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