Sewn bonds part 3

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Y/N got to the roof to see nobody there. Y/N: what the? Suddenly Y/N's new arm began to burn and pulse with pain. Y/N almost fell over from the pain but he saw his new hand was glowing and suddenly he heard something in the distance a scream or a very loud bird caw. Was that a bird?

No it couldn't be, no way could it be a bird, he never heard a bird make that sound. Y/N then saw a speeding figure in the distance it was a human noise figure with wings flying towards him with that same caw. Y/N taking out his word strapped to his back and revving it up: I miss my wings, I never learned how to fly you asshole.

The creature charged getting slashed by Y/N's sword and with his other hand he got punch with a fist full of flames sending it flying down the building. Y/N jumped off the roof and impaled the sword into the falling monster revving up the sword as the both fell towards the ground.

The creature cawed again grabbing Y/N by the face flying upwards at super speed while dragging Y/N's body through the side of building breaking panels of glass all the way up. Y/N: this is annoying already! Y/N sunk his hands claws into the creatures face but it only cawed louder biting into Y/N's shoulder and through his combat suit.

Y/N in pain screamed but with his human hand he shot a explosion of flames at the creatures chest. Both of them fell onto the roof they started fighting on as the creature removed Y/N's sword from it back while writhing in pain from the flames. Y/N: so you don't like fire huh? The creatures scars and wounds began to heal slowly.

Y/N: life fibers? You were made by Rion, you poor pigeon. The creature charged again swinging Y/N's sword at him. Y/N grabbed the sword with his new hand and flipped over it grabbing he creatures wrist and breaking it before side kicking it. Y/N turned to the creature slashing its right wing off and then stabbing it through the head and revving it up burning and electrocuting the creatures head and the rest of its body.

Y/N then grabbed the creature by its remaining wing and set the entire thing on fire. The creature began to scream and caw in pain before shooting hundreds of life fiber spikes out of its back forcing Y/N back while it healed slowly pulling the blade out of its head. Y/N: your one tough pigeon.

The creature charged again this time growing back its other wing. Y/N rolled under it and grabbed his sword ready to cut it to pieces but the creature sunk his feet talons into Y/N's suit flying with Y/N slashing at it trying to stop it from flying with him to no effect. Meanwhile Ryuko was leaving one store after being groped by mako again she decided to go to the food court with mako while Satsuki was still shopping.

Ryuko had mako ordered their favorite foods and began to eat while talking about future plans to hang out and Ryuko filling mako in on recent events. Mako: it's like there's more bad guys are showing up. Ryuko: yeah but there's allot more good guys to beat the crap out of these bad guys though. Mako: like you and Y/N. Ryuko: yeah. Mako: why don't you kiss him Ryuko and then tell your feelings.

Ryuko: the first time I kissed him he didn't remember and now the second time he still kissed me and he still didn't remember. I don't know why but my heart hurts whenever I think about him, I don't know if this is love. Mako: oh Ryuko your such a maiden. Senketsu: Ryuko I think it's obvious Y/N cares greatly about you maybe even more then you do for him. Ryuko: thanks Senkestu, I think once all this Rion mess is over I'll ask him out normally.

Mako: or you could tell him at the Christmas party or at New Years. Senketsu: the sooner you tell him the better for both of you. Ryuko blushing: I don't know yet, I guess it'll have to wait. Suddenly the glass dome above the mall shattered as a flying creature with a person in its claws was thrown down both landing in the food court sending tables, chairs and more everywhere while people ran away.

Mako: hey look it's Y/N! Ryuko this is your chance. Ryuko: Mako I don't think this is the good time for that, try to help people get out of here I'll help him handle this creature. Let's go senketsu! Senkestu: alright! The two transformed into senketsu usual combat form but this time with more armor and a face mask for Ryuko's identity.

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