A Shiner

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D27- Favorite bromance moment

A/N: Hello, my darlings! I am SO sorry it's been so long! My aunt has been in town for the past couple of weeks (you remember her, right? The one who met Tom and didn't tell me? *huffs indignantly* hehe just kidding. I love her). Anyway, I wanted to spend time with her since I barely see her, but here's the newest imagine based on something that happened to me today! (Don't worry...I'm okay.)

"One way or another...I'm gonna find ya...I'm gonna getya getya getya getya!" You sang loudly into your comb. Blondie was one of your guilty pleasures and the best in-shower A Cappella concert to give, in your opinion. So there you were, dancing lathered in rose-scented bubbles and enjoying your morning shower. Little did you know something EXTREMELY painful was about to result from this.

You turned off the water, cutting your backup off short, but you continued to sing under your breath as you took a few steps, reaching for the shower curtain.

"One day, maybe next week. I'm gonna--WHAAAA!" You yelped as your foot slid across a small glob of shampoo that had fallen to the floor earlier in your concert, unbeknownst to you. It all happened in slow motion. You fell forward, your other foot sliding out from under you, and slammed your cheekbone against the soap tray Tom had attached to the wall a few years ago. You fell to the tile floor with a grand thud  and cussed loudly.

"Y/N?" You heard Tom call from the kitchen counter, where he was sitting with Harrison and having drinks. You let out only a sob in response. Your cheek and browbone sent electric throbs through your face every second and you'd landed on your ankle, making it impossible to right yourself.

"T-tooom!" You called helplessly. You couldn't help but leak a few tears...it didn't matter if you weren't a child anymore, that was the most pain you'd felt in a while and you couldn't move. You heard Tom skid into the hallway in his socks, nearly overshooting the doorway in all his haste. He knocked on the door.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" he inquired anxiously.

"Help..." That was all you could manage. Your mind was clouded with pain and your eyes with tears.

"Okay. I'm coming in," Tom announced. He shouldered open the door and threw aside the shower curtain to find you curled up in a little ball over the drain on the tile. "Oh my God, Y/N! What happened?" Tom rushed to your side, kneeling by the edge of the shower.

"I-I slipped on some shampoo and I hit my face," you peeped weakly, pointing to the soap tray. Feeling completely and utterly foolish, you broke down in tears. 

"Okay. It's going to be okay. You're alright." Tom scooped your bare body up bridal-style and carried you to the bedroom, setting you gently on the edge of the bed. He grabbed a towel and began gently drying you, careful to avoid the big red goose egg forming on the whole right side of your face. "God...you're so lucky you didn't crack your head open," he told you.

Tom turned your face to the side, gently brushing his thumb across certain areas of the wound to assess the gravity of the situation. "It doesn't look like anything serious. Can you smile for me?" You attempted one of your signature grins, but only the left side of your mouth turned up. "Yikes, you're swollen. Hey, Haz? Would you grab me an ice pack from the freezer, please?"

In a few moments, you had a squishy purple bag of ice pressed to your face. "There. How's that?" Tom asked you, staring up at you with loving and concerned glassy eyes.

"Much better," you laughed softly. The embarrassment and pain had worn off some and your cheek now felt like the receiving end of a novocaine injection. 

"Good." Tom patted your knee and sat beside you on the bed cross-legged. He patted his lap and you put your head down obligingly. Your face had already started to bruise. Tom, however, bent down to press a light kiss to your semi-swollen lips. He ran his fingers over the impact point below your eye one more time. "Yeah...you're going to have a good shiner there tomorrow." 

"That's okay. It's worth it just to be taken care of by you," you replied.

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