An Unexpected Surprise

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A/N: What's up, my lovelies?!? I'm back. You know why? I missed you all too much. Also, inspiration finally hit me over the head while I was attempting to go to sleep last night, so I figured I'd use it! Enjoy this one, darlings.                                                                                                                       -LuckyHolland xx

It had been three months since Tom had gone on his con tour and you were so lonely you could barely function. Okay, maybe that was a stretch. You could still go about your daily life, but it felt odd, considering the empty space next to you on the couch and in your bed.

At first, you thought you'd be okay. You'd decided to distract yourself with visiting friends or doing little projects you'd wanted to for a while. But once you realized you needed Tom in your life, you began to miss him more than you ever thought you could. This is why, on one faitful Saturday in August, you bought a plane ticket to San Diego.

Now, obviously, San Diego seems a rather random place to fly (and extremely far away from your flat in Kingston), but you knew what you were doing. San Diego's was one of the biggest comic cons in the world, and it just so happened that Tom would be there as a guest.

Three hours later, you packed your bags and took a cab to your terminal. And, on your flight, you booked a photo-op for the next day. Of course, you also reserved a room in Tom's hotel and, for the first time in months, slept soundly with the thought of finally being in the same building as him.

Time skip brought to you by bubblegum ice cream...(are you supposed to eat the gum or not?)

When you woke up, you found yourself fully-rested...a rare occurance since Tom had gone on tour. You made yourself look presentable, dressed smart-casually, and made your way to San Diego Comic Con, your heart high with the prospect of getting to visit your boyfriend.

The con was so packed with people that the heat was overly-intense. You could hardly breathe. Although, being a geek yourself, the enviornment was somewhat envigorating. You dodged congregations of fans near the food court. You pushed past all of the merch stands (a particularly hard thing for you). Then, once you realized your photo-op was in 15 minutes, you full-out sprinted over to the booth.

The queue went rather quickly and you were bouncing on the balls of your feet from the excitement of finally seeing Tom again. You peeked rather nervously around the corner of the booth. You hated seeing petty little teenagers trying to molest Tom or fool around with him. It was just right disrespectful. 

When at last it was your turn, you poked your head into the booth and shyly laughed, "Surprise!" Tom turned to look at you, but had to do a double-take.

"Y/N?" he breathed, disbelievingly. Then, he smiled the most utterly overjoyed smile you'd ever seen. You couldn't help but reciprocate. In fact, you rushed over to him, wrapped your legs around his waist, and buried your head in his neck. Security began to advance, but Tom waved them off. "It's alright. This is my girlfriend Y/N," he told them. 

"I missed you so much," you said tearfully. Tom reached up and wiped the water from your eyes with a gentle caress of his thumb.

"I know, love. So did I. It's been unbearable." He leaned in and kissed you on the lips. A euphoric sensation washed over you. Oh, how you'd missed his kisses. "How did you...when did you...?" Tom began asking you a million questions.

"I'll tell you everything when you get back to the hotel later. Oh...did I mention I have a room there as well?" You giggled, posing for the camera. Tom just laughed. 

"Okay, deal," he replied. The camera snapped. You pecked Tom on the cheek and waved him goodbye as you exited the booth. "I'll call you on my lunch break." He grinned at you. Little did you know, you'd just made Spider-Man's day.

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