Coffee Catastrophe

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A/N: This is going to be kind of a long Author's Note so please forgive me XD
So I know I said I wasn't going to write on here because my mental health decided to plummet BUT writing does make me happy, so here I am! Also, Author Lady got glasses today and I'm not sure how I feel about them yet...(that was random, sorry!)

This imagine was suggested by the lovely @AuroralovesTom! Thank you for all of your love and support, angel!

Tom Holland doesn't drink coffee. He doesn't mind it, but he doesn't drink it on the regular, either. Which is why, when he asked you to fetch him some, you were completely baffled on how to make it.

You didn't drink coffee preferred your English teas, bar none. And not knowing how Tom even took his coffee, you were even more confused. But, it was an early morning on set and Haz was still asleep, so you decided to step up.

You made your way over to the coffee-bar-table-thingy. Then, snagging a cardboard cup, you marched over to the kegs of coffee lining the back of it. French Autumn Roast, Dark Hazelnut, Chilean Spice, ooh! Macadamia Nut! That sounds exotic. You filled the cup to the brim with jet-black liquid and crossed your fingers it was the right brew. Then, you carefully walked the cup over to the cream and sugar station, swearing as boiling coffee spilt over the edge and burned your hands. On second thought, maybe you should have left a bit of room on the top...

In fact, you knew you should have the second you picked up the cream because when you poured it in, the cup overflowed, sending liquid careening onto the plastic table below. Again, you swore and tried helplessly to mix the drink with the little wooden sticks provided. At least you couldn't possibly mess up the sugar...right?

It seemed not. In fact, the sugar went quite smoothly and you walked with your head held high as you put on the top and went proudly back over to Tom. 

You stood in front of him for a moment, waiting for him to raise his curly head from his phone where he was watching whatever Netflix show he'd decided to binge that week (Tom watched a LOT of TV on set...) and when at last he did, he regarded you with such a concerned look that you had begun to wonder if you were on fire.

"What happened?" He asked disbelievingly, looking from the stained once-white coffee cup to your bright red hands and the coffee all down your front.

"I...nothing! Here's your coffee!" you chuckled awkwardly as you handed him the cup.

"Oh..." Tom mused tiredly, clearly having forgotten about it for a moment. "Thank you." But when he took a sip, he immediately held the thing in front of his face like one would a dead rat. He looked the cup up and down then looked at you. "What did you do to my coffee?"

You looked up from your position in the chair across from him. "Hmm?" 

Tom laughed. "What did you do to my coffee, Y/N?" 

"Nothing!" You replied defensively. "I put in the coffee and then I put in the cream and then the sugar."

"Wait..." Tom said, a look dawning on his face. "Was it the sugar in the glass shaker or the plastic one?"

"The plastic one, why?"



"That wasn't sugar, that was SALT!"

The two of you burst out laughing and Tom went to throw his coffee away. Needless to say, you both drank tea for the rest of the film.

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