Wildest Dreams

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A/N: Another Taylor imagine! Please don't kill me haha. The playlist is about 50% Taylor Swift and this one is another song I imagined Tom to before fanfiction took over my life haha. So, without further ado, I present to you "Wildest Dreams" (aaah, haaah XD)

I have always thought of myself as someone of very little consequence. I have never been very memorable. And I have no idea how someone like me could have possibly captured his heart...even for a short time. How could I have expected anything more than what it had become? I hadn't seen him in a year and I'm sure, as someone of very little consequence, that I was but a speck of dust in his memory.

Of course, I was attending the Academy Awards. Of course, I couldn't resist. He was there, wasn't he? I was late, but it didn't matter. 

I stared bleakly out the darkened backseat window of the car and wondered how so many lights against such a black sky didn't brighten the whole world. The way the city fairly sparkled reminded me of one night he'd taken me out...the first night it all began.

I was just a seamstress...and one under the bidding of the head of costumes, at that. But they had invited the whole crew to an event...and in all of the time that has passed, I can't remember what it was. And so I had gone.

The event was in a small concert hall...packed full of journalists, philanthropists, investors...you name it. I've never been a party girl. I stood at the edge. That's when he found me. I'd worked on him before...done fittings, tailored suits and jackets...but never thought he'd notice me. After all, when you're standing next to someone whose net worth is fifteen million, you can't help feeling like nothing.

But, no, there he was. Looking at me. Talking to me. "What do you say we get out of here?" he asked me. When I looked into his eyes, they were tired. I never thought how tiring public face might have been. Of course, I agreed. Who could say no to him?

We snuck out to the parking lot, we took a car, and we drove. We drove with the windows down and the sunroof open. We drove till my hair had come out and his tie had blown loose and we couldn't see the city anymore.

That was all it took...one night drive into a field where we could see the stars when we laid on top of the car, unfazed by the caparison finery we wore. He asked to see me again. And again.

We shared too many passionate sleepless nights and secret meetings. Kisses and love-bitten skin. I couldn't help the guilt I felt whenever I was with him. I was scared. I knew I couldn't get too close to him, couldn't get attached no matter what he said to me. I simply couldn't because every time I saw him could have been my last. Nothing lasts forever, especially when you're someone like me.

As my vehicle drew closer to the Awards, my mind took me back to unwelcome flashbacks of wrinkled bedsheets and tangled hair. It angered me that I let any of it happen when I knew it would end up the way it did. I don't remember how it fell apart. Perhaps it was only a fling. Those kinds of things happen so often for people like him, I was sure it meant nothing to him.

Oh, but it meant everything to me. I memorized everything...the curve of his jaw, the way his voice sounded. His memory was a well-tailored tux and soft hair. Perfect. It was foolish to hope he'd remember me in the same reverence, if at all, but I had.

The driver dropped me at the red carpet, now desolate. Everyone had long since gone inside for the awards, but I was in no hurry. It didn't matter anyway. I gently picked up the hem of my beige-pink gown and entered the theatre.

There he was...he had won. He held a small golden statue in his hand and for a moment I swore he had stepped out of my lavish memories. He had been in the middle of his acceptance speech when I came in. The door clicked shut behind me, and nobody in the audience noticed or turned around. But Tom had stopped talking completely.

It was as if he had forgotten where in his list of acknowledgements he was. The stage faced me where I stood at the back of the room and from the podium, he was staring at me. It took me a few moments to realize because, of course, who could notice me? But just then, the audience began to turn around one by one to follow his gaze to me. "Uh...erm..." he stumbled over his words. He forced himself to look back to the audience and finish his speech. I found my seat in a space in the middle of the room.

"Truly, to all of you, thank you." He finished, holding up the Oscar slightly. That was the end of the speech, or the natural end, anyway. The audience began to clap and his gaze found mine in the middle of it all. There was something on his face I couldn't place. Just as the host started back into the middle of the stage though he took up the microphone again.

"Wait! Please wait. I'm not finished." People whispered to one another loudly. "I would also like to thank the crews of every film I've ever done. I couldn't have done this without you." He stared into my eyes intensely "and I never forgot you."

He nodded. The audience erupted into applause and cheers as he exited the stage. And wouldn't you know it, he smiled at me. "Thank you," he mouthed subtly. I smiled wistfully back and waved.

Perhaps someone of very little consequence is someone worth remembering.

A/N: I think all of the song imagines are ending up being from a sort of memory POV...without much dialogue or specific descriptions. I hope that's okay...it's much different from what I usually do, but this is how I put the movie in my head to words.

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