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D25- Tom being Silly

Pre-Christmas, you were nearly always at the mall. Why? Because you could easily find everything all in one place. wanted to get all your shopping done before December hit so that you had everything in time.

You had nearly everybody done...your parents, your best friend (Haz), Sam, Harry, and Paddy. You'd saved the hardest for last...Tom, your boyfriend. The man was loaded and had everything in the world he could possibly want. That pair of sneakers he was eyeing in the store last month? Already bought them. That watch he said he thought was cool on an interview? The company had sent him a free one. Tom Holland was incredibly hard to shop for and you had no idea where to start.

This is why you found yourself standing in your fifteenth shop that day, emptyhanded and completely clueless.

"Can I help you find anything, love?" A sweet old lady asked you from behind the desk. You were about to reply, no, and you could find it on your own, thank you, but it dawned on you that you really did need help.

"Actually, yes, please," you replied. "What to you get somebody who has everything already?" 

" for the boyfriend, are we?"


"Well, what does he like?"

"Well, Marvel, for one, but I'm pretty sure he already has everything in the book. Golf, but I've already tried that one...he's got nearly everything top-brand already. I think I've tried everything. I don't know what to do!"

"Well, I'm sorry I couldn't help, sweetie, but I can think of something else he likes."

"What's that?" you asked, wishing old ladies would be less cryptic.

"You, love."

I thanked her, exited the store, and trudged dejectedly through the mall towards the entrance. I had been so lost in my thoughts that I bumped into a man staring into the window of Pandora. I looked up to apologize, then realized it was Tom.

"Oh, hey, darling! I didn't know you'd be here," he told you, setting down all (what looked like) seventeen of his giant shopping bags.

"Tom, we've been together for three years! You should know this is where I spend all my time in the second half of November."

"I do know, but you said you were going to get your hair done so I figured I was safe," Tom laughed. You didn't, however. And it didn't go unnoticed. "What's wrong, love?" 

"Oh, nothing," you lied. "Well, everything. I've got everyone's shopping done except for yours and I have no idea what to get you! You have everything, Tom. Literally everything. For Pete's sake, you have light-up fingernail clippers! And I feel like a terrible girlfriend because I have no idea what to get you even though we've been dating for so long."

Tom laughed. He actually laughed. "Y/N! How could you even say that? You are most definitely not a terrible girlfriend. And to be honest, you don't need to get me anything for Christmas! I have you and that's all I want." He leaned over and kissed you. "You're everything I need, Y/N." The two of you shared another kiss before Tom said, "Now get out of here! I was just about to get your present and I can't have you spoiling it!"

However sweet his words might have been, you still felt terrible. Tom was your boyfriend, after all, and you just had to get him something. So, back in the flat the two of you shared, you sat in your bed waiting for Tom to come home and looking through your scrapbook for ideas. 

It was a small baby turquoise album full of everything you'd saved from your relationship with Tom. Old napkins with pen hangman games all over them from restaurants you'd eaten at. Ticket stubs from films or days at the carnival. Photographs from birthdays and vacations. Your entire life with Tom was tucked within each plastic sleeve of the scrapbook. Suddenly, you got the most brilliant and wonderful idea you'd had in a long time. You knew EXACTLY what Tom was getting for Christmas.

A/N: Hi, lovelies! I'm back. I know I swore to you I'd be more active but it's been a rough couple of weeks for me. Sorry the content suffered! I hope you thought this was cute. I'll be doing a sequel for this year's holiday special coming up soon. I have something fun in mind! Anyway, I hope you're all safe. I love you so much! And thank you for 30k <3

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