Party (Peter Parker Imagine)

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D17- Tom with an Animal... Ah, Tom with a horse. Bit scary, since he's allergic!

A/N: Happiest of birthdays to the one and only Peter Parker! Thank you for being the most relatable hero of the ones ever dreamed up. You might not be "popular" or "cool" in other people's eyes, but we all love you 3000.

Three people. That's how many showed up. Three. It was Peter's birthday party and only you, Ned, and MJ had attended. You could tell Peter was disappointed, but he tried not to show it. In fact, he'd done a pretty good job until Aunt May brought out the cake...chocolate with white icing and "Happy Birthday, Pete" piped on in blue.

"Make a wish, Loser," MJ teased, punching him softly in the arm with an adoring grin. Peter looked at the photo of him and Tony on the kitchen wall and teared up, blinking away any sign of emotion. You knew he missed Tony. He loved him like a father. And the fact that nobody came to his birthday party made the already horrible year even worse for Peter. He puffed out the candles in one superhuman breath, then stood up and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

"That was weird," noted Ned, scooping a fingerfull of icing off his piece of cake and licking his hand clean. 

"I'm sure he just needed to use the bathroom, that's all," said Aunt May. You all shrugged and started in on the cake. A few minutes later, you checked your watch. Peter still hadn't come out of the bathroom.

"I'll be right back," you told everyone, going to the bathroom door. You knocked softly. "Hello? Peter? You in there?" 

"I'm f-fine." 

"Peter? Please let me in." The lock clicked and the door opened. You entered the bathroom, closing the door softly behind you. What you saw broke your heart. Peter was curled up in the bathtub with red eyes.

"Hey," he said, half-heartedly. 

"Hi," you replied, sitting next to him. "You okay? Actually, that's a dumb question. You're obviously not." Peter let out a single "ha."

"I guess it's just hard, you know? Mr. Stark made me feel like I was accepted and I guess now it just feels more than ever like everyone hates me. Am I a loser, Y/N?" A stray tear slid down one of his cheeks.

"Peter, I know it's hard. You loved him and he loved you. More than you will probably ever realize. But you are most certainly not a loser and not everyone hates you. I mean, look around. You've got me, Ned, MJ, Aunt May...we all love you."

"Yeah?" Peter wiped his eyes, looking at you intently.

"Yeah." You rubbed his back. "And don't need everyone to love you, Peter. Just a few good people."

"You're right," he replied, sniffling lightly. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Pete. Happy Birthday."

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