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A/N: Last Taylor song on the playlist! We're nearing the end. Only 3 more to go!

Mine is a story of loyalty and undying love.

I was at the hotel for a gala that night...a silly organizational thing that I had never wanted to attend. Of course, I was in a sour mood...I had been recently heartbroken. And apparently, the sour mood had built walls upon itself on my outward appearance...daring sailors to set a toe into my treacherous sea.

I left the party at midnight, running down the empty hallways of the castle-like hotel in my simple blue-grey asymmetrical gown. I was finished with the noise and the people and I'd wanted a moment to myself, so I stepped out into the courtyard and sat on the fountain steps.

The silence was golden for all of 3 beautiful minutes. It quickly turned to loneliness. However, I heard a door swing and some footsteps on the cobblestone. A man in a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a black ballcap entered the courtyard and began to look around. When his eyes landed on me, he started over.

"Lovely night, isn't it?" he lilted, sitting next to me on the fountain steps.

"Yeah, beautiful," I responded. Strangely, I felt something in me break.

"What are you doing out here by yourself? I assume you don't wear gala dresses to bed every night," The man chuckled, referencing my outfit. I laughed. I actually laughed. And then I'd realized that the breaking sensation I'd felt was my walls. This stranger in a baseball cap with a shadow over his face had sent them crumbling.

"I just needed some air," I responded. The man nodded. He swept off his cap and ran his hand through his hair. My jaw dropped and he grinned at me before replacing the black hat. Tom Holland was sitting next to me on the fountain steps. I tried not to freak out.

"Believe me, I understand." We had an incredible conversation and ended up staying out on the steps until two in the morning when he told me he had a con to get to the next morning and should probably get some rest. However, he did follow me back on Instagram and we continued to talk for months.

I had been completely swept off my feet. Me...a simple girl with a simple life...somebody to a celebrity? As I got to know Tom and the simple little things about him that made him the person he was, I fell deeper and harder.

The two of us began to see each other on a regular basis, but I stifled my feelings, afraid that Tom might see me as just another crazy fan. But, oh, I would do anything to be his. He had me completely mesmerised and I was hopelessly unsure of how our paths could have possibly crossed.

We soon grew inseparable. Tom would come to visit me as soon as he returned from trips. I often pretended to be asleep, just so he would gently kiss my forehead and tell me he'd see me in the morning.

"Sleep well, Y/N," he'd tell me. "I'll tell you all about it tomorrow."

It was hard to believe he was even real...someone so important who thought I meant just as much. He knew I would die for him if it came down to it. And he promised to do the same.

I told him I wanted to know all of his secrets. He told me to tell him mine. Perhaps he was just as in love with me as I was with him. Perhaps.

Oh, but minutes turned to hours turned to seconds, somehow. And one day, I admitted everything I had ever felt for him. He had smiled and told me he had thought I'd never say anything. I agreed. And if kisses were blades of grass, we built a meadow on our love.

Ridiculous and cliche, that's me. I'm the Disney girl with hopes and dreams. And, oh, how the hope for what might be learned to trump what might have been. For life was a willow and it bent right to his wind.

A/N: Welp...this one was ridiculous, but I had no idea how to put anything into words. Also, it's my summer holiday now! So I'm back on Wattpad more consistently. I missed you!

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