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Day 28- Idol in hat

It was nights like this that you hated your friends. Okay...that's a lie. You couldn't have hated your friends if you tried. But at the midnight showing of Hollywood's newest horror film, you were pretty close.

You weren't a horror person at all, especially because your imagination liked to run wild with you after the movie. But this time was even worse. The only reason you had agreed to go along with your friends was the prospect of being able to sit next to them and constantly grab them at the jump scares or bury your head in their shoulders when it got too scary. Long story short, that didn't happen. When your group arrived at the theatre to buy tickets, none of the seats that were left were next to each other. This meant you were on your own. By yourself. In a horror movie. Fantastic.

The opening credits had barely begun to roll, but you were already curled up in a tiny ball in your seat. Even the music scared you. You attempted to distract yourself by looking around. The seat to your right was empty, which made you angrier than a disturbed hornet. The man at the ticket booth had said that it was taken. I guess the person just never showed up, you thought to yourself, Smart. 

The seat to your left was occupied, but the person in it was intently watching the movie, and you didn't want to freak them out by looking at them. So, you counted the popcorn kernels on the floor. One, Two, Three, Four...

Not ten minutes into the movie and the first jump scare made you flinch so hard that your bucket of popcorn spilled all over you. You thought about getting up and going over to one of your friends to see if they would move to sit next to you, but decided against it. Maybe I'll just try to enjoy the movie.

You tried to keep your eyes on the big screen, but when a figure drenched in blood popped up, you buried your face in your hands, quivering. You heard a blood-curdling shriek from the speakers and tried singing your favorite song in your head to keep your mind off of the situation. Not helping. You checked your watch. Great. Only two more hours of this.

Just when you thought you couldn't take any more, an eyeless doll popped out from one of the corners on the screen. You HATED dolls. Against your will, you let out a little yelp, then curled up tighter in your chair, facing left, and shut your eyes as tight as they would go. 

Suddenly, you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder, which made you jump. "Sorry," someone whispered. You lifted your head and ended up being face to face with the young man in the seat to your left. Thoroughly embarassed, a blush rose to your cheeks. Okay...maybe part of that was the fact that the man was incredibly handsome. He had dark brown curls and matching eyes set over a nose that looked like it had been broken a few times. His jaw was sharp enough to cut your finger, you thought. 

"Are you alright?" He asked you in a tender whisper. You noticed his sweet accent and, findng your courage, uncoiled yourself from your little ball.

"Not really. I hate horror movies, but my friends made me go and they didn't order tickets early so now we're all split up," you whispered back. The music crescendoed and there was a scream. You flinched again.

"The same thing happened to me," the man replied at a similar volume, "Only, I don't mind the genre so much. I'm Tom by the way. Tom Holland."

"I'm Y/N. Y/N, Y/L/N. I'm sorry to bother you, by the way."

"No, not at all," Tom replied sweetly. "If you want, you can grab me or bury your head in my shoulder if you get scared." You looked up at him. He gave you a genuine grin.

"How did you...?"

"You were talking to yourself when you first sat down," he told you.

"Oh," you chuckled, blushing again. "Well, erm, thank you, Tom. That means a lot."

"Any time. Hey...this is going to sound crazy, but would you maybe want to go to a movie sometime? A nice one?" Tom laughed, gesturing to the screen.

"I'd like that," you giggled. 

You spent the rest of the movie curled up in Tom's side. Maybe this was a good thing after all.

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