Missing You

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Day 4 - Idol with pet

Hehe. This one's finally based on the picture!

It had been 35 days, 18 hours, and 12 minutes since you'd last seen your one and only, Tom Holland. 

Since the entire U.K. had been shut down, the two of you had been tragically split up, although you lived but a few blocks away. The Virus was ruining your life. Your job had gotten shut down, your gym had been closed, and you lived alone.

It was around 2:30 and you were sitting on your bed, rereading Harry Potter  for the fifth time since quarantine had begun. The flat was too quiet and you thought you might just burst into tears. Suddenly, your bedside table began vibrating violently, making you jump out of your skin. You put down the book, leaned over, and picked up your phone.

It was Tom, calling to video chat. You accepted the call and quickly fixed your hair so that you looked somewhat presentable. Suddenly, you were glad Tom wasn't there with you...you hadn't showered in three days.

"Hey!" He announced brightly.

"Hey!" You replied sweetly, cocking your head. Tom was laying face down on his bed next to Tessa. "And hello to you, Tess!" you told her in a baby voice. Tom just chuckled.

"What are you doing over there?" Tom shifted on his bed so that his face was slightly more visible on your screen.

"Um...you know. Reading, doing crafts and stuff. What about you?" You rubbed your eyes.

"Missing you," said Tom, putting out his lower lip in a pout.

"I miss you too," you sighed sadly.

"Hey...I wonder if I stand on my roof...could I see your flat from here?"

"Oh, please don't try that," you laughed. "This would be worse if you got hurt."

"That's true. You've always been the smart one." Tom smiled sweetly. 

"I wish I could touch you," you said. You touched your finger to Tom's face on your phone screen.

"Oh, really?" He waggled his eyebrows at you. You burst out laughing.

"No! No! Not like that! I just mean I haven't actually come in contact with another human being for over a month now."

You and Tom continued your conversation for over an hour before your cat padded into the room, jumped up onto the bed, and mewled in your face for food. You stroked the length of her back and along her tail.

"Well, I guess I'd better go feed the cat," you laughed softly.

"I guess I'd better hang up before Tessa sees her," he replied.

"Okay. I love you!"

"I love you too," he told you. 

The screen went black.

A/N: OH MY GOD!!! I need major help with this stuff XD. I'm sorry this one was so short. Again, I literally have no inspiration. 

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