Wide Awake

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A/N: Guess who's baackkkkkkk! THAT'S RIGHT! It's me. My production has ended and I'm back into the swing of writing things. This has been my drafts for SO LONG and I've just never figured out how to finish it but here we go!! I hope you enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: I have never, in fact, been boating on the Thames, but I HAVE seen it, so this isn't too far of a stretch. And even if it ends up being, I take full creative licensing for the purposes of fiction.

It was hopeless. You couldn't sleep. You had tried everything...counting sheep, bedtime meditations...You'd even moved from the bed to the couch and back again. You were just wide awake.

Now, here's the situation: Tom was supposed to have gotten home from his shoot an hour ago. You were stuck in Kingston. It was generally pretty hard for you to sleep when he was away, not that it was his fault. You'd just get stuck up worrying or watching television. Tess hopped up on the bed next to you and curled up in a little ball, letting out a gentle whine.

"I know, Tess. I miss him too." You patted her back, hoping that having something to cuddle might put you out. Then, finally, you heard the keys jangle in the lock and the front door creak open. Tess snapped her head off the bed and bounded cartoonishly into the other room. You laughed and sat up in bed, checking your phone. 3:25 in the morning.

Tess bounded back into the bedroom, looking expectantly behind her. Tom followed a few seconds later. "Hi, Tommy, how was your trip?" You asked groggily, rubbing your eyes.

"What are you still doing up, love?! It's nearly 3:30!"

"I couldn't sleep," you laughed at yourself. Tess settled herself on the floor and Tom sat on the bed, leaning over to kiss you.

"You know what? I have an idea," Tom said with a mischievous smile. He got up and went into the kitchen. You heard him open the pantry door and rummage around in the key rack for a while before he returned with a pair of keys you'd never seen before.

"I'm intrigued..." you laughed. "Are we going somewhere?"

"Kind of? Just put some slippers on and you'll be fine. Trust me."

"Okay!" you laughed. You removed yourself from the bed and found your house slippers tucked neatly underneath the bed.

"Fantastic! Let's go, Tess!" Tom patted her on the head and she fairly jumped into the air, skittering out the front door in a hurry.

TIME SKIP: Brought to you by names...why did they become a thing? Why don't people just walk around saying "HEY YOU"?? Food for thought?

It was a short car ride to....the docks? You looked at Tom quizzically as you exited the car.

"Don't tell me you're going to throw me in the river," you joked.

"Even better!" he responded, waggling his eyebrows. "Stay here." He took Tess and walked away into the darkness. You sat there shivering in your pyjamas.

Suddenly, a quiet sputter shattered the silence and a pretty wooden speedboat with an open hull came swiftly around the corner, Tess happily relishing the wind in her ears from her spot in the back seat. Tom cut the engine and offered a hand. "Hop in, love."

"Since when did you have a boat?!" You marveled, wobbling as you collapsed into the back seat next to Tess.

Tom swiveled around in the chair and shrugged. "A few months ago. But I'd wanted to surprise you."

"Consider your mission accomplished!" You chuckled, brushing a delicate hand over the luxurious cream-colored leather. A gust of wind blew by, chilled by the river, and you shivered.

"Right! That. You're not going to believe this!" Tom reached under one of the side seats and brought out what looked like a massive black parachute with a few holes in it. Then, he reached under his seat and unscrewed the circular vent beneath him, revealing a collapsable accordion tube. He screwed the end of the vent into one of the holes in the parachute-bag-looking thing and it began to suddenly inflate. Tom leaned over the seat and threw the newly-inflated thing onto you. Amazingly, you warmed immediately.

"What on earth is this?" you wondered, awestruck.

"It's an inflatable blanket for the boat! You screw the heating tubes in and it warms you right up."

"That's incredible!" You made yourself a nest out of the massive blanket and laid your head on the edge of the boat.

"Are you ready, then?" Tom asked, starting the engine. You nodded eagerly. The boat roared to life as Tom maneuvered you out into open water. Then, he picked up speed dramatically. You would've been cold if it weren't for the parachute blanket, but with the overwhelming heat, the chilly wind in your hair, and the occasional spray of water as the boat rode the waves, you were lulled into a state of pure bliss.

Tom drove you around the river for about an hour, but you were only awake for about thirty minutes of it. The rhythmic slap of the water at the side of the boat and the hum of the engine mixed put you right to sleep.

Tom looked over his shoulder to find you and Tess curled up underneath the blanket. He couldn't help but grin. His two favorite girls were finally fast asleep.

When at last you returned to the dock, Tom carried you bridal-style back to the car and then, finally, up to bed.

What a way to fall asleep.

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