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You were sitting gingerly on the balcony chair, very still, only blinking once or twice. Your day had been less than satisfactory. In fact, after you attempted to make a three-ingredient cake (which, by the way failed, miserably), you decided to take a walk to clear your head (which also failed miserably).

You were so incredibly done with the day that you could do nothing but sit there and do nothing. You heard the door creak open and shut and then a soft thud of a backpack on the couch. Tom was home.

"Hey, love! I got off early!" He announced happily, making his way over to the sliding glass door that led to your balcony. "So how was your...HOLY HELL, Y/N! What happened?!?"

"Let's just say...I'm having a really bad day."

"Wha...but what happened exactly?" Tom gestured to your whole body making a cringe face. You were covered in honey and flour, you were soaking wet, and had clumps of grass stuck to you as well.

"Well, I tried to make a cake using only honey, flour, and water but I ended up doing it wrong and everything pretty much exploded all over me. As you can imagine, I was downright pissed so I decided to go for a walk. On my way back, I tripped on a rock, fell, and rolled down the hill. And just when I thought things couldn't possibly get any worse, I ROLLED RIGHT INTO THE PUBLIC POOL!" You couldn't help yourself. You started to laugh.

"That is literally the saddest story I have ever heard." Tom burst out laughing. "What do you say we get you cleaned up and then go for dinner? I don't think I want food all over our kitchen again."

"Actually, that sounds like the smartest thing I've heard all day.

A/N: Okay so I really love doing these stupid ones. They're just so random and weird. Anyhoo, Je t'aime, mes puces! 


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