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D12- Best Tom Photoshoot-Man About Town 2019

You had come with Tom to Seattle while he was filming to keep him company. In fact, you'd insisted. You loved Seattle. The architecture, the culture, the was your favorite city in the entire world (next to London, of course). 

Currently, you were sitting with Tom, Jacob, and Haz at the poolside restaraunt patio. The pool had been closed because of lightning sightings earlier in the day, so you all pretty much had the area to yourselves. Four best friends.

A little ways into the dinner, the sun (or what was left of it once the clouds had come in) began to go down and a light breeze started to blow. Being in just a cotton t-shirt and some shorts, goosebumps started to rise on your body. You shivered a little bit.

"And so there I was, looking at...are you alright, Y/N?" Haz asked you, breaking off in the middle of his story. You nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be right back," you answered, getting up and making your way over to the poolside restrooms. Upon entering the ladies' room, you sighed with relief. It was steamy and warm in there and smelled like those wooden stick diffusers. You had to admit, for a poolside bathroom, it was nicer than most regular restrooms you'd seen. But, then again, it was a five-star hotel.

You stood in there for a few minutes, just relishing the warmth before you gathered your courage and went back to the table. As soon as you walked out the door, the cold air hit you like a brick wall. You grit your teeth and sat back down next to Tom. Haz was fininshing his story and Jacob was finishing off his dinner. The cold wind blew again and you shivered, rubbing your bare arms up and down for warmth.

"Seriously, Y/N/N, are you okay?" Tom asked.

"Really, guys, I'm fine. Just a little chilly, that's all." You smiled brightly, but your teeth were chattering. Jacob raised an eyebrow.

"That kind of sounds like an understatement," he laughed.

"All right. So maybe I'm a bit cold. It's fine!" You insisted.

"No, it's not," Tom decided. "Here." He slid off his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders. You blushed. Such a gentleman! And it was still warm too. You hugged Tom's coat tight around you and whispered your thanks. "Of course, love!" He told you. You blushed again. Haz and Jacob exchanged a look.

"What?" you asked defensively.

"Nothing," they said at once.

Time skip brought to you by the way Tom pronounces "Croissant"'s not wrong, it's French!

Back in the suite the four of you shared, Haz and Jacob were getting ready to go play billiards in the gentlemen's room downstairs and you and Tom were deciding on the itinerary for tomorrow (his day off). 

"See you later, guys!" Jacob announced, saluting as he left the room.

"Yeah. Let's catch a movie later, eh, mates?" Haz said, winking. You waved to them as they left, then turned back to Tom.

"So, I was thinking since you've never been to the top of the Space Needle..." you started, rolling up the long sleeves of Tom's jacket so you could draw on your map.

"Y/N?" Tom interrupted you.


"You can keep the jacket if you'd like," he said, chuckling. 

"Oh!" you exclaimed, having forgotten you were still wearing it. You began to remove it when...

"No, I mean it," Tom insisted. "It just looks right on you." You looked up at his face. He had a sweet little smile on his lips. "Besides...this way, you'll have a little piece of me wherever you are." You blushed at this statement.

"Thank you, Tom. Really. That's the nicest thing I think anyone has ever said to me," you told him. Then, gathering every ounce of courage you had, you leaned over and pecked him on the lips. Now it was Tom's turn to blush.

"Love you," Tom told you softly.

"I love you too," said you in reply.

"I mean...not like more than..."

"I know."

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