Gala Girl

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D18- Tom Eating

Dear Lord, I've been gone so long I forgot my own intro! I'm so sorry I've been gone so much. School has stolen my freedom yet again. Also, Happy Belated Birthday to ZENDAYA! I love you, my queen. 

D/N= Director's Name

Your POV:

I was sitting at the edge of the party, again feeling out of place. I wasn't the kind of girl who belonged at a Hollywood gala in a royal blue tulle gown amongst the biggest names in the world. I was just a director's assistant. I didn't even get my name in the credits.

I swirled the remains of my drink around in the glass and watched as familiar faces passed by. To keep myself busy, I tried to recognize some of my favorite actors. Gal Gadot, Ryan Reynolds, and Margot Robbie were just a few of these. Suddenly...was it? Yes. Of course it was. I knew him, even from the back. Robert Downey Junior. I'd been an intern during the last Sherlock, but we'd never officially met. He was talking to a handsome man in a sharp tuxedo whom I recognized as Tom Holland. 

Immediately, I blushed. I realized I'd been staring for too long, even if Mr. Holland hadn't noticed, and turned to go out on the balcony I was standing near.

Tom's POV:

Who was that girl? I couldn't help but sneak a look or two at her over Robert's shoulder. I think, at one point, she caught me staring...or was she staring? I answered Robert with vague "mhm..aha"s as I watched her embarrassedly move out to the balcony. Robert was speaking to me about something, and I wasn't sure what, but I interrupted him by asking, "I'm sorry, but do you know her?"

"Who? The girl in the cobalt dress?" Robert turned around to look at her as well. She looked beautiful standing there against the railing. You could tell she wasn't usually in front of the camera (not that she wasn't gorgeous enough) just by the way she watched everyone at the gala with such wonder.

"Yeah," I answered distractedly.

"Funny you say that, she looks familiar to me. I was just about to ask you the same thing." He shrugged and apologized for not being able to help more, but I didn't mind. I was going over there to find out for myself.

Your POV:

When I looked back to the spot where I'd seen Tom Holland earlier, he was gone. There was a little pang inside me, but I waved it aside. "No star in their right mind would pay attention to the girl getting their coffee," I whispered to myself.

"Penny for your thoughts," said a kind, accented I knew so well I could identify it out of thousands. I looked up surprisedly to find Mr. Holland himself standing next to me with two drinks in his hands. "Or a Gibson, actually," he laughed to himself, "I saw you finished yours earlier." A flush rose to my cheeks. He'd been watching me?

"Thank you," I chuckled lightly, taking him up on his offer.

"So who did you come with? I don't gather you're an actress. I would've remembered seeing a film with someone as beautiful as you in it." He grinned at me humourously and my heart fairly melted.

"That's kind of you," I laughed softly. "Mr. D/N invited me, actually. I'm not really one for the Hollywood Party Scene, but I thought I'd give it another try tonight. It's not every day a director's assistant gets invited by the director himself."

"That's true. Well I'm glad you decided to show up tonight, Miss...I'm sorry... it just occurred to me I never asked your name."

"It's Y/N," I told him. "Y/N Y/L/N."

"Well, Y/N, I'm glad you came. I'm Tom, by the way. Tom Holland."

Tom's POV:

"Oh, I know," she laughed. I immediately loved the sound of it. It was like a million little stars lit up right there. 

"You should be an actress, you know," I ventured.

"You think so?" She looked at her feet, tucked beneath the tulle hem of her dress.

"I do," I replied. "It really helped me to get out of my shell. You get to be so many different people...get to live their stories. And suddenly you're not so shy anymore." She looked back up at me, her eyes wide with wonder.

"How did you...?" 

"It's obvious. The way you carry yourself. You belong here just as much as I do. You're nothing less just because you get the coffee." I smiled at her, then pressed a cocktail napkin into her hand. On it was written my phone number. Y/N examined it and looked up at me, even more surprised. "Please call me," I told her, smiling gently. 

I turned around and strode back into the gala. I stopped in front of Robert.

"Y/N," I said. "Her name is Y/N."

A/N: I am SO sorry that there was so much point of view switching in this one. I'm was trying something new and I'm not sure how it went XD. Let me know? Anyhoo. I've got to go back to watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D now. 



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